"Chance to find out more about Cornell"

<p>I'm a HS senior, applied to Cornell, got an email for this "chance to talk with an alumnus" which to me sounds a lot like an interview despite claims otherwise. Is this compulsory/recommended? I'm scarily bad at small talk with strangers and when I applied I didn't expect it to be an interview, but I don't even know how to start writing that thanks-but-no-thanks email. Advice, anyone?</p>

<p>please do a forum search for alumni interview, this has been answered about 1X10^1251426134651234561235i times in the last week.</p>

<p>optional just as the email should have stated
i got a similar email, but mine was a group meeting with the alumnus and other applicants
it shouldn’t significantly/adversely affect your app</p>

<p>As an alumnus who conducts these sessions with students, I would not turn down the opportunity to speak to an alum. It looks a lot worse to shirk these types of opportunities than to make a good faith effort to learn a little bit more about the Cornell experience.</p>

<p>Besides, it sounds like it would be good practice for you. A good, low pressure, learning experience.</p>