Chance UCLA/UCB?

Hey guys! I am a rising senior and I would like to know if I even have a chance at attending any of these schools. Any advice or help would be greatly appreciated. I will chance back!

GPA: 3.93 (UW) (Got 3 B’s total during sophomore-junior year)
SAT: 1930 (will take this another time, looking for 2000+)
SAT II: Planning on taking USH, Math Level II, and French (try to score 700+)

Freshman courses: Honors English 1, Geometry, Adv. Programming, Biology, PE, French 1
Sophomore courses: AP Psychology, Honors English II, Honors Chemistry, World History, Algebra II, French II, Interpretive Dance
Junior courses: AP Studio Art, APUSH, AP Human Geography, AP Language and Composition, AP Physics, H Precalculus, French III
Senior courses: AP Government, AP Microeconomics, AP Literature and Composition, AP French, AP Calculus AB, AP Statistics, AP Art History, AP Biology

18 Honors/AP Courses taken (as listed above): Honors English 1, AP Psychology, Honors English II, Honors Chemistry, AP Studio Art, APUSH, AP Human Geography, AP Language and Composition, AP Physics, H Precalculus, AP Government, AP Microeconomics, AP Literature and Composition, AP French, AP Calculus AB, AP Statistics, AP Art History, AP Biology

Awards/Honors: NHS, CSF, 1st Place Literature and Poetic Composition, 2nd Place Public Speaking, 4th Place FBLA Business Law, 3rd Place FBLA Business Communications, AP Scholar, and a bunch of other smaller awards

Extracurricular Activities: FBLA Activities Chair and State Delegate (4+ years), CHP Committee Chair Leader, CYD President/Founder/California State Delegate, WHF Newspaper Publication Staff Writer and Secretary, Link Crew Leader and Commissioner, MUN Ambassador and Youth Board, Peer Counseling chairman of Public Relations Committee, Volunteered at local library (200+ hours), USC Young Women’s Political and Civic Leadership Program Alumni, attended several FBLA conferences for 4+ years, Martin O’Malley Political Campaign, YDALA Conference

Ethnicity: Asian American
CA Resident, Looking to major in business or poli sci
Very, very low family income; first generation college student

Is the 3.93 your UC GPA?

Based on what you’ve posted, both are reaches. There’s always some chance as long as you apply, but make sure you have a good list of matches and safeties as well. Good luck!

Agree with @PhantomVirgo, that both are reaches based on GPA and SAT scores. Outstanding essays could give you a bump, but you would need to get your SAT score above 2100+ for any real chance otherwise. Good Luck.

@PhantomVirgo Hey! That is my cumulative unweighted GPA. Do you really think they’re reaches? Even considering all the 18 APs/Honor classes I’ve taken at my high school (which is over the bare minimum) along with my somewhat decent GPA? And fairly good extracurricular activities? I know I’m really lacking in my test scores.
@Gumbymom Thanks!

Calculate your UC GPA here:

Freshman profiles from both Cal and UCLA to give you an idea:

Basically, you need to be around (preferably above) those stats to have a solid chance. That’s not to say there’s no chance of getting in if your stats are significantly lower; it just means that there isn’t a very high chance and you shouldn’t bank on getting in.

You’re right about the test scores, and hopefully you do get to 2000+ when you retake the SAT. A 3.93 is on the low side for Cal and UCLA, but that’s if it’s your UC GPA. Calculate your UC GPA and report back and it will give a better idea what your chances are.

With a 3.93 cumulative UW GPA - you are a strong candidate for the UCs but your SAT may keep you out. Another 150 point would make a huge difference.

I’d also encourage you to look at Davis, Irvine and UCSB

Good luck.

@NCalRent Thank you so much! I appreciate it :slight_smile:

@PhantomVirgo Thanks! You’ve been so helpful, I’m really grateful. For the freshman profile, is the GPA they list for berkeley (4.16) the UC GPA or cumulative weighted? And yeah, man I’m gonna try to aim for that 2100+ although that is unlikely. Is 3.93 cumulative unweighted considered a high GPA for cal/ucla applicants?

I’m pretty sure that the posted GPA is the UC GPA. That’s what they use for admissions, at least.

For a cumulative unweighted GPA, 3.93 is pretty typical for Cal and UCLA.

lol I think we’re in the same boat. Given your circumstances, I believe you’ve achieved a lot. Very strong extracurriculars. With a higher SAT score, I see you as a decent candidate for UCB and UCLA. Otherwise, reaches (but you never know!). As someone posted above, UCI and UCD are also worth applying to. Irvine is really safe and clean (my dad lives there) and Davis is by the Capitol.
UCB and UCLA seem to be toss-ups. Do you have a strong personal statement in the works?

Agree with previous posters, UCB/LA will be reaches unless that score goes up.
Try UCI, UCSD, Davis.

@PhantomVirgo Thanks for all the advice.

@“aunt bea” Thanks for the chance!

@treehugger24 Thanks for the chance, and yeah! I’m hoping to raise it to a 2000+ by this October, but I know a lot of people from my school who get accepted to berkeley and la with a 1900 sat scare, since the average at my school is a 1700 so I’m hoping that I will be one of the lucky ones haha. Yeah, I’m planning to apply for those uc’s as well. And im working on it, having a stanford student read it so hopefully it turns out ok!