
<p>gpa weighted: 4.16
uw: 3.79</p>

<p>cr: 690
writing: 700
math: 690</p>

<p>act: comp 31, eng 34, math 33, reading 31, sci 26</p>

<p>top 10% all four yrs (i think 23 out of 662)</p>

<p>ap tests
bio: 5
calc ab: 5
eng lang: 4
euro hist: 4
environ sci: 4
us hist: 3
span lang:2 </p>

<p>korean american, female</p>

<p>subject tests: bio 700, us hist 690, lit 680</p>

Academic team (4 yrs): frosh capt, varsity by junior yr, student coach for frosh team as a senior
Choir (4 yrs): in audition-level choir by sophomore yr. top level by senior year. SCVA honor choir (regional and state level)
MUN (3 yrs): Secretary, VP
Speech & Debate (4 yrs): 4th at an invitational for Parli
National Honor Society (2 years): Vice President
Sci Olympiad (2 years)
Link Crew leadership (1 year)</p>

<p>Praise team leader for youth group (4+ years): lead vocals and guitar (self taught)
Youth Group cabinet member (2 yrs): President, VP</p>

<p>Production assistant on set of music video "What is Love?" for the band Rookie of the Year (Nov 2008, all day gig 6 a.m. to 11:30 p.m.)</p>

<p>AP Scholar w/ distinction
national merit commendation
finalist in San Diego Asian Film Foundation annual film review competition for college/hs students</p>

<p>in prog: 4 AP classes, a digital media productions class, extra half-class after school called Documentary film analysis.</p>

<p>essay: talked about my interest in media communications a bit since it doesnt show through necessarily in the rest of my app. i write screenplays leisurely, i'm in digital media so i make movies using final cut pro and collaborate w/ other students and it helps that our school has top of the line equipment available, i did the whole production assistant thing, i read up a lot about media criticism/societal effects, i stay up to date on current events/media spin on things... i watch a LOT of movies and documentaries when i can (although i know simply watching stuff doesnt really appeal to them, i've asked)</p>

<p>i'd want to major in r/tv/f at nu.. hopefully work in the tv/film industry someday, but i like the strong broad education nu offers as well. A&O Productions was really appealing, as was the many many acapella groups and then comedy sketch productions. half hour distance from chicago is super appealing as well. I've talked to nu students-- they seem so delighted to be there and really passionate about the school. i've read through some articles from the school's news publication online, combed through their website for all the info i could possibly get my hands on. trust me, i really really want to go to northwestern. the only thing to stop me would be to go visit and somehow be severely disappointed, which i am willing to bet wouldnt be the case.</p>

<p>great chance, but low SAT scores for NU. However, your ACT score is perfect for NU! Also, the fact that you’re a leader, an AP scholar, and have a national merit commendation will definitely work in your favor! I think you’re in!</p>

<p>I think you have a pretty good chance. In terms of your SAT scores, you’re actually right above the lower end of the middle 50% in all three sections (meaning that your scores are better than at least 25% of 80% the class of 2012 who submitted SAT scores). </p>

<p>RTVF is a great program; considering your involvement thus far in that field, I think you would love it. </p>

<p>The admissions officers don’t look at AP scores (or so they say) for admission purposes; those are only for after you get in…deciding which courses you have tested out of, which will be two for you (your two 5s). </p>

<p>Good luck!</p>

<p>Personally, I think you’re competitive but that NU is a slight reach.
I don’t understand the assessment, above, that your SATs are low for NU (which I think is correct), but that you have a “great chance.” That seems to be contradictory.</p>

<p>well my SAT scores aren’t deal breakers in NU admissions are they? hopefully my ACT score makes up for it a bit…</p>

<p>I really don’t think they are deal-breakers. Like I said, according to the stats on college board, your SAT scores are within the middle 50% (albeit towards the bottom of it), so they’re definitely not deal-breakers, but they aren’t adding too much to your strength.</p>

<p>Your SAT scores are definitely not deal-breakers, but your composite ACT is in a comparable range.
As I said, I think you’re competitive; you are clearly worthy of admission and could handle the academic rigors of NU. The problem, as always, is that neither NU nor any comparable school could begin to accept all of the qualified applicants, which is where other factors come in as they try to shape a class. Hopefully your application projects something they think they want, beyond just a qualified student.
Good luck.</p>

<p>As an adult, college parent, I cannot imagine a better matched student for the School of Communications at Northwestern University.</p>

<p>You should receive course credit or, at least, advanced standing for your two AP scores of 5, and some courses are acceptable with an AP score of 4–although I am not sure as to whether or not your AP 4s are among those accepted. (My impression is that you will not receive any credit or advanced standing for your three AP 4 scores. Course credit & advanced standing makes double majoring a bit easier.)</p>

<p>Radio/TV/Film major is in the School of Communications. If admitted to the communications school, you will have the privilege of double majoring and/or minoring in the Weinberg College of Arts & Sciences. You are well suited for both even though the typical Weinberg CAS admittee has SAT I scores above 1450/1500. Any student with an evenly balanced 1380/1600 SAT I score is highly intelligent & capable.</p>

<p>thank you all for your input. my fingers are crossed~ :P</p>