
<p>gpa weighted: 4.16
uw: 3.79</p>

<p>cr: 690
writing: 700
math: 690</p>

<p>act: comp 31, eng 34, math 33, reading 31, sci 26</p>

<p>top 10% all four yrs (i think 23 out of 662)</p>

<p>ap tests
bio: 5
calc ab: 5
eng lang: 4
euro hist: 4
environ sci: 4
us hist: 3
span lang:2 </p>

<p>korean american, female</p>

<p>subject tests: bio 700, us hist 690, lit 680</p>

Academic team (4 yrs): frosh capt, varsity by junior yr, student coach for frosh team as a senior
Choir (4 yrs): in audition-level choir by sophomore yr. top level by senior year. SCVA honor choir (regional and state level)
MUN (3 yrs): Secretary, VP
Speech & Debate (4 yrs): 4th at an invitational for Parli
National Honor Society (2 years): Vice President</p>

<p>Praise team leader for youth group (4+ years): lead vocals and guitar (self taught)
Youth Group cabinet member (2 yrs): President, VP</p>

<p>Production assistant on set of music video "What is Love?" for the band Rookie of the Year (Nov 2008, all day gig 6 a.m. to 11:30 p.m.)</p>

<p>AP Scholar w/ distinction
national merit commendation
finalist in San Diego Asian Film Foundation annual film review competition for college/hs students</p>

<p>in prog: 4 AP classes, a digital media productions class, extra half-class after school called Documentary film analysis.</p>

<p>my common app essay was pretty good, had a few glitches (i accidentally uploaded a less revised version with a few phrasing/word things uneditted. boo.)</p>

<p>did you submit/tell wes your AP scores? i think the 2 could hurt you.</p>

<p>your stats are very exactly on the median for wes (as i’m sure you know) so it’s tough to say. your ECs are weirdly very similar to mine though (i got in ED I) – auditioned choral ensemble by soph year, top ensemble by senior year, state honors chorus, president of honors society… kind of funny :)</p>

<p>my 2 cents.</p>

<p>hm well i guess a medium chance is as much as i could ask for. </p>

<p>do you think i have too little activities or anything like that? i know i’ve seen people on the board freak about their chances at colleges as they list a myriad of awesome activities and such, twice as long as my list… i get the feeling that i’m quite low/average when it comes to that part of the app…</p>

<p>you definitely dont have too few activities. I’ve said this before in other chances threads, and I will do so again here: it is not the amount of ECs you have, it’s what you do with them that matters. Some people on this board (and I mean them no disrespect) think that they must join every club and do every activity in order to be an outstanding applicant and gain admission to a selective school. This is by no means reality. If you are passionate about your current extra-curricular activities, and can demonstrate this in your application (either in an essay or stating you’d like to continue it in college), then the ECs have done their job.</p>

<p>i agree, i think your ECs are just right.</p>