
<p>I've posted a bunch of these on some individual college threads, but I want some general opinions.
Schools: Yale, Amherst, Middlebury, Bowdoin, Boston College, Northwestern, University of Wisconsin-Madison.
Stats: white male from minnesota
GPA: 3.7 uw. About 15% in class. Top private high school that sends tons of grads to top universities.
SAT I: 790m 790r 720w
SAT II: 800 chem, 750 math II, 740 physics
AP: 5 chem, 4's US hist, AB calc, English lit.
Ec's: 2 year all conference football player and football recruit at Amherst, Middlebury, and Bowdoin. Varsity Lacrosse. JV basketball. Some community service. Two summer programs at Stanford and worked with head of University of Richmond physics department. Community service trip to Peru last summer.
2 generations of legacy at Yale too.</p>

<p>0.0…nice stats…really good standarized test scores…and your sports and extracurriculars are really going to help you. Also the fact that you spent time with colleges such as stanford and UR is good too. 2 generations at Yale 0.0…i want Yale :stuck_out_tongue:
Best of luck, i’m sure you’ll do fine!</p>

<p><a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>WOW… 2 generations of legacy at Yale o<em>o
Your SAT, SATII, and GPA are all good, and you have good EC, I’d say you have a pretty good chance… Your school also sends tons of grads to top universities, so just having your school on your app will help you. (not to mention 2 generations of legacy at Yale… o</em>o) I agree with metalfox, I think you’ll do fine.
Good Luck!!</p>

<p><a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>Might look at Holy Cross and Cogate both very strong academics and athletics. Holy Cross is also need blind-meets 100% of demonstrated financial need.</p>

<p>i think you have a good chance at all of them… your SATs are awesome! sheesh peoples stats make me feel terrible :stuck_out_tongue: Good luck!!</p>

<p>chance back?</p>

<p>@par72: Financial aid is not an issue - my family is wealthy. Also, I would feel kind of cheated if I had to end up going to Holy Cross, because I feel I can do better - sorry if I sound elitist.</p>

<p>@ebakos: As I painfully learned through the ED process (deferred from Williams) GPA matters about 1 million times more than SAT scores. Don’t feel bad.</p>

<p>Ebakos: I would chance you but I can’t find your thread… can you link it or something?</p>

<p>According to Princeton Review, at Holy Cross “Students in Top Tenth of HS Class: 66%”
25% of the 2800 student body are varsity athletes which is why it is not even higher.</p>