Chances >_<

<p>So i just found out about this college, i haven't really looked outside of my state (Maryland) but now i hear some of my friends talking about this so it would be appreciated if you guys could chance me</p>

<p>UWGPA- 3.1 (terrible i know)
WGPA- 4.42
SAT's- 2070</p>

- Officer in South East Societ
- 400+ hours of service hours
-150 hours working in a hospital
- 2 years of Tennis
- 3 years of Badminton
- Red cross
- Science National Honor society
-Future medical researchers</p>

<p>You’re in.</p>

<p>Oh really? whew, with my low uwgpa i thought colleges would start to reject me haha, just curious are there any significant differences between Penn state and College Park, because those are the two different colleges im mostly focusing on, however College park is closer to home which is a bonus for me haha.</p>

<p>Penn State does not look at UW GPA so your golden nothing to worry about…accept if you applied after nov 30 but even then you should be good</p>

<p>haha thanks, at least i know ill get into 1 college >_> hopefully</p>

<p>im in state got a 2050 and had a 3.2 UW with a fair amount of ECs and got denied for fall and summer so…i’d say you are borderline, ESPECIALLY if you applied after November 30</p>

<p>what was your weighted GPA spacemonkey</p>

<p>i posted that before i read the post about them only looking at weighted…my weighted was about a 3.3-3.4ish, my school doesn’t convert to 4.0 scale…it was an 88%. i revise my statement…you have a better shot than me assuming you applied before 11/30</p>

<p>and they don’t look at ECs at all unless it is down to the wire between you and someone else with the exact same stats</p>