Chances and an Answer

<p>Caucasian male
GPA 5.1 weighted / 4.0 unweighted
Class Rank: Top 4 / 300 (not sure where in the top 4)
SAT score: 700 reading/780 math/750 writing
SAT IIs not yet taken
APs: Comp Sci A 5, Calc AB 5, Eng Lang 4, Span Lang 4
Curriculum: IB Diploma with extra APs</p>

- Founding member of school’s robotics team, team captain, 2 years
- Boxing club, 2 years
- Interact Club, 3 years
- 5 different NHS’s, actually do some cool stuff in Spanish NHS that I could talk about
- Charter member for local Serteen club, been in that for 7 years
- Lots of CS hours and will be amassing more to fulfill CAS requirements
- D&D Club
- Videogame Club
- Have held a part-time job for the past 4 years doing various IT consulting
- SPRI research scholar, 6 week research internship at University of South Carolina through Governor’s School for Science and Mathematics</p>

<p>Desired Major: Engineering (mechanical, electrical, or financial)</p>

<p>I know it's a crapshoot either way, but should I apply SCEA?</p>

<p>ur grades are very good and they qualify u for sure....i personally think ur ECs are a bit on the weak side...tho the gov school thing is great...if ur heart is set on stanford, then apply EA. good luck</p>

<p>Your academic stats are pretty good (I don't judge ECs sorry) so you have a decent shot. Is Stanford your first choice? then apply SCEA.</p>

<p>your ECs and your grades/scores are great. You will be a very competitive applicant. Just write good essays, and get good recommendations.</p>