<p>I am a senior in a competitive high school in St Louis, MO. I moved there 2 months into my jr year from an audition only arts school in Toronto, Canada. I'm white and jewish, so no minority.</p>
<p>My stats are as follows:</p>
<p>GPA: 3.5 (I'm having it recalculated because of my move-some things got messed up...it should be higher)</p>
<p>PSAT: 204 (national merit something)
SAT: 1950 (taken once)
SAT II: I'm taking them in Oct</p>
<p>ACT: 29, 30, 32 (I took this again, will get results this week) got a 10 on my essay as the highest </p>
<p>Sr Year: Taking AP chem, ap bio, ap us hist, ap english lang, ap psychology, honors pre calc, some gym classes</p>
<p>Frechman-Jr years: took honors classes when i could- my shool in canada did not have them</p>
<p>ec: Varsity soccer-12, jv tennis-11, varsity mock trial team-11, 12 (ranked 1st in region), green club-12, PPP (new club just started-kinda like MADD)-12 (leadership role), student ambassador-12, school musical leads-9-12, musical theatre performance ec group-9-10, principal oboist in symph orchestra and concert band-9-10, head assistant director for $25000 school production -10</p>
<p>summers: ive worked in 3 labs, including one at umass med school (which my project was published in Blood (im a co author)), one at harvard/mgh (possible publication pending)</p>
<p>colleges that i am thinking about applying to still-i know this list needs to be cut down, so any advice is appreciated</p>
<p>umich (i will apply very soon, my status here will also help me cut down this list), yale (single choice e.a., legacy), harvard (legacy), UVA (legacy), Vanderbilt, Tufts, Brown, Boston College, American, Georgetown, Tulane, Colorado College, UC Boulder, U Denver, U Miami, Columbia, Case Western, Oberlin, Northwestern, Trinity College (CT), Brandeis, Washington U in STL, U Chicago, U Penn, U Wisconsin (g-father went there).</p>
<p>so, again i know my list is wayyyy too long, but i need help, that's why im here. thanks in advance!</p>