chances- art student

<p>I attended a very difficult, prestigious private school for the first two years of high school. As a result, my grades from freshman/sophomore year are okay, but not amazing. I took as many honors classes as I could at that school, and ended up with an 88 or 89 GPA. I switched to a much larger school junior year, and my grades have since improved vastly. I've taken more AP & honors courses, and my GPA after junior year was a 91 (including senior year it's probably more like a 92 or so now, if not higher).</p>

<p>My GPA kinda worries me because of the different schools I went to... I feel as though I'm being compared with students at my current school whose grades are much more inflated, and I'm worried schools won't really notice that I went to a different school for the first two years.</p>

<p>I got a 2200 on my SATs with particularly high scores in critical reading & writing (12 on my essay).
I got a 660 on my Biology SatII (taken as a freshman in high school) & a 730 on my Spanish SatII. I also took AP Spanish as a junior, skipping Spanish V Honors.</p>

<p>Most of my extra-curriculars involve art... I'm in National Art Honors Society and I spent the past two summers at Pre-college programs at RISD and Pratt. I sent my art portfolio to all the schools I applied to, and I feel that it is fairly strong, especially considering that I have only been doing art for 2 years. I'm also receiving my Gold Award for Girl Scouts, and I've done a fair amount of community service. I did a community service trip to Costa Rica, and a homestay in Peru. At my first school, I was in Model Congress and Model UN (freshman& sophomore years). Junior & senior years I played varsity lacrosse.</p>

<p>I applied to:
Brown/RISD Dual Degree program
Tufts/School of the Museum of Fine Arts Dual Degree program

<p>in addition to two art schools, Pratt and MICA</p>

<p>I'm just wondering what exactly my chances are for the non-art schools, specifically the more "elite" ones that I applied to.</p>

<p>I had a great interview with a Brown alumni in which she said I would "fit perfectly".
I have a Tufts interview soon which I think will go great as well.
I am an NYU legacy.
I have great teacher recs and I am a good writer, so I believe my essays will help me.</p>

<p>My Tufts essays and my Brown/RISD Dual Degree essay were my strongest essays. I wrote my Tufts essay on the movie Wall-E (I want to get into a career in animation).
I think the two dual degree programs are my top choices, but I am a little worried about my GPA and I haven't cured cancer or saved a third world country from starvation, so I'm not sure how much I really stand out. For those who don't know, in these types of programs, one must be accepted into both schools independently first. I've already been accepted to the School of the Museum of Fine Arts in Boston, but I'm still waiting to hear from Tufts.</p>

<p>So I guess my main question is: will art help at all?</p>

<p>also- I have a job.</p>

<p>if anyone could give me any advice, I would really appreciate it.</p>

<p>It mainly depends on your portfolio, and I don’t think many of us here are qualified to evaluate that.</p>