Chances as a Transfer student

<p>Hi, So I am currently a freshman at a UC. Im really hoping to transfer to another university I was hoping to apply to Stanford but I know that my scores are definetely not high enough. I just read a thread about a girl who got in with a 3.4 gpa, which kind of gave me a little hope. I'm just really confused, cause I really don't want to get my hopes up and apply if I have no chance. If you could look at my stats and let me know what you think that would be great.</p>

<p>Gender: F
High School: Public, academically rigorous, 2400 students
University: UCSD
State: CA</p>

<p>Overall High School GPA: 3.62 UW/3.96 W
College GPA: 3.85</p>

<p>AP US History - 5
AP Chemistry - 4
AP Biology- 5
AP Gov/Econ - 5
AP English - 4</p>

<p>SAT: 2220 (writing-790, CR-680, Math-750)
SAT II Math: 710
SAT II Biology: 700
SAT II U.S History: 700</p>

-Part of high school student government junior and senior year (lead of commission senior yr)
-Muslim Student Association, officer for 3 yrs, president for last two
-Volunteered at Hospital for last two years
-Life member of California Scholarship Federation
-Volunteered at a girls orphanage in India
-This past summer interned at a civil activist and political lobby group for 2.5 months</p>

<p>Basically thats me. Please let me know what u think! thanx!</p>

<p>Well your sat is good though your writing could have been higher. Not sure of their acceptance rates for transfers but you have a chance though.</p>

<p>It is almost impossible to transfer to Stanford, even with perfect stats. You don’t have perfect stats. When transferring after freshman year they look primarily at your high school performance. A 3.62 is pretty low, especially if there is no situation to explain it. Your college GPA is a 3.85 which also isn’t amazing. I would put your transfer chances realistically at about .1%. Apply, but apply broadly to other schools as well if you really want to get out of UCSD.</p>

<p>Stanford takes around 17-22 Transfers a year. Most of the transfers were kids who were exceptional in high school but for some reason did not/could not apply for Stanford. Then again, I knew a guy who had a 1.8 GPA in HS, did 2 years at community and transferred to Stanford(he was a math genius though). Can’t really say what your chances are, but if you really want to go, apply.</p>