Chances at CIT and MCS

<p>GPA: 3.7
Senior Courses: AP Calculus BC, AP Statistics, AP Physics C, AP Literature, AP Government, AP Environment</p>

<p>Previous AP's: AP World History, AP Computer Science, AP U.S. History, AP Chemistry, AP Language</p>

<p>ACT: 32
SAT II's: Math II- 760, Chemistry- 750</p>

<p>Recommendations: Great
Essay: Good
Activities: Piano/Saxophone 10/8 years, section leader, founder of Ping-Pong club, Science Olympiad member, Science Fair Regional Finalist</p>

<p>Feedback is appreciated.</p>

<p>Nice gpa course load and sat 2s but not too many ecs… high match for cit but mcs should be a little easier to get into…
Chance back (Chances CIT ECE)</p>

<p>I realized I left out my three honors societies, being VP of the Ping-Pong club (9-12) and marching band. How much does CMU weigh extracurricular activity, anyway?</p>

<p>Bump- looking for more input!</p>

<p>Chancing back to anyone who posts.</p>
