Chances at Claremont, Georgetown, UC's

<p>White, Male, Senior at a California Public High School
Rank: Somewhere in the top 4%
GPA: 4.0 Unweighted, 4.12 Weighted
SAT: 660 Writing, 690 CR, 760 Math (retaking in November)
SATIIs: Taking Lit, Math II, and US Hist in october. from practice tests I'm expecting 650-750 range
AP Classes: Stat and Physics last year, Econ Gov English and Calc this year</p>

<p>Highlights in EC's:
3 Internships (Public Defenders office, District Attorneys Office, Local Bank's Marketing Dept.)
Mock Trial - Working with the principal and an attorney coach to start a program at my school this year
JSA Summer School at Georgetown University - Got an A in Honors Constitutional Law
Boy Scouts - Eagle Scout, Senior Patrol Leader
Seminary - Religious class every morning before school, class president
Sports - 3 yrs football, 2 years lacrosse, 1 year wrestling
Tutoring - Tutored the football team for a year, AVID senior year (after school tutoring)
Music - 3 years guitar</p>

<p>Here's my college list:</p>

<li>Claremont Mckenna (possibly ED)</li>
<li>Boston College</li>
<li>George Washington (Safety?)</li>
<li>UC Berkley</li>
<li>BYU (parents are making me apply)</li>

<p>How does this list look? Are there any other colleges you would recommend?

<p>You’re a reasonable candidate for CMC ED. Great shot at all but the top 2 UCs and decent shot at those, Pomona and Duke are significant reaches, Georgetown and BC are smaller reaches, in at BYU and GW.</p>

<p>As these schools are apparently mostly reaches, can anyone recommend some good safetys for schools of this caliber?</p>

<p>Pitzer, Occidental since you like CMC.</p>