chances at Dartmouth

<p>Just wondering if I have a legitimate shot.</p>

<p>ACT: 34 (SAT Equiv 1520/1600)
SAT IIs: Math II 780, Bio 690</p>

<p>Junior year GPA: 3.83 U, 4.13 W</p>

<p>Junior year classes:
AP Computer Science AB (my intended major)
Honors Biology
Honors Latin (level 3)
US History</p>

<p>Senior classes:
AP Chemistry
Honors English
Honors Italian
Honors Philosophy
Honors Linear Algebra (I took Calc sophomore year and got a 5 on the ap)</p>

Varsity Cross Country
Varsity Indoor Volleyball
Resident Technology Assistant
School Newspaper
Community Service</p>

<p>Teacher Recs: 1) Outstanding. 2) Very Good/Excellent
Counselor Rec: Excellent</p>


<p>Stats-wise you're fine. But your EC's seem a bit bland. No leadership positions?</p>

<p>It is difficult to assess your chances based on the posted info. Certainly your standardized test scores (which are at the 75th percentile for Dartmouth College) are strong enough. But why Dartmouth? What state are you from (to determine if geographical diversity comes into play) ? Certainly your chances should be above the 15% admit rate if you write a convincing application.</p>

<p>I'm from CT (so no geographical diversity). I worked at Dunkin Donuts this past summer and a local bagel place two summers ago. Dartmouth is my #1 because I really liked the outdoorsy feeling (I'm a big skier), and I want to study CS in a Liberal Arts setting.</p>

<p> it worth mentioning like a leadership camp that I went to for 4 weeks in the summer? ECs are kind of my weakness, but I don't want to mention things that might seem insignificant. My guess is that schools don't care if I'm a member of a few cultural clubs just to get free food :).</p>

<p>Yesh solid stats but ECs might hurt you. You have a shot, but its far from a sure bet.</p>

<p>Dart is a reach for u.
since ur ECs do not stand out</p>

<p>so how can I make the ECs that I participate in stand out? I'm not really a club joiner, but my academic work goes beyond just nightly assignments. For example, I wrote a TowerDefense game in Java with a few friends (about 2000 lines of code) for fun.</p>

<p>"Bio 690"
Retake it</p>

<p>^bio 690 won't kill you.</p>

<p>however, there's nothing amazing on your profile. what makes you stand out?</p>

<p>find out in two weeks =O…last bump to hopefully calm down my nerves</p>

<p>What’s your class rank? Here are stats for the 2012’s:</p>

<p><a href=“[/url]”>This Page Has Moved;

<p>the bad news is, you’re mostly a reach for dartmouth, even early =[ the ECs just dont stand out, and there’s only so much that even a good essay will do for ur chances</p>

<p>the good news is, im a reach too for dartmouth xD</p>

<p>You definitely have the stats to get in, no doubt about that. As long as your essays are good I believe you have a great shot. Plus, your ECs look fine to me. All this bullcrap about leadership and stuff…don’t listen to it. You’re in two varsity sports, which I’m sure not many people on here can say. A lot of people on here don’t realize how much time actually is required of varsity athletes. Plus you have worked, which is something I don’t see a whole lot on this site. Is it really possible to have leadership positions in other clubs when you’re spending so much time in sports and other things already? As long as you make yourself out to be passionate/dedicated to a few activities you have nothing to worry about. You’re obviously a smart guy/girl, and I’m sure you won’t make yourself out to be lazy on your app.</p>

<p>Good luck and I hope you get in.</p>

<p><a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>Was that four week leadership camp thing paid or free? I would really suggest mentioning it, especially if you were nominated for it or had to apply.</p>

<p>“so how can I make the ECs that I participate in stand out? I’m not really a club joiner, but my academic work goes beyond just nightly assignments. For example, I wrote a TowerDefense game in Java with a few friends (about 2000 lines of code) for fun.”</p>

<p>That is AWESOME, from a college admissions standpoint in my opinion. I would totally consider that to be an EC. I think you should mention any personal projects like that, and perhaps talk about them in your essays.</p>

<p>Umm…the camp leadership thing was like a reduced price because we were working in cabins as counselor assistants. You also had to apply, and the acceptance was like 50%. As for class rank, our school doesn’t rank, but in the profile they send out to colleges they have a GPA breakdown with the number of students in each range, so based on that top 10%.</p>

<p>Good stats (w/ exception of SAT II Bio…above 700 would’ve been a boost), but extracurriculars are definitely a little too…mediocre, I wanna say. There’s nothing here that show a passion or flair. Hopefully your essays and recs compensated for that. Best wishes!!</p>

<p>I think your grades are definitely right there, as many people have already stated. Your EC’s are average but I think that they are good enough to get you in. With good essays and rec’s then you will definitely make your chances increase.</p>

<p>Also something I didn’t see too much of on what you posted was volunteering…Ivies especially love volunteer work. </p>

<p>Anyway, my bet is that you’ll make it!</p>

<p>Chance back?
<a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>i would say in for dartmouth cuz they do this numerical system where they multiply ur scores and other stuff by a mutiplier and if it passes certain mark then that’s good…extracirriculars might hurt but extracirriculars aren’t THAT important…they look at that after gpa, scores, courses, and essays…so…if u have good essays…i would say in</p>

<p>chance back??
<a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;