Chances at Dartmouth

<p>Hi. I am a rising senior. I hope to apply early to Dartmouth. I was hoping you guys could help me assess my chances of getting in.</p>


<p>New SAT: 2070
Old SAT: 1490 M:790 V:700</p>

<p>SAT IIs:</p>

<p>Biology M:790
Math IIC:780
Chemistry: 720 <--is that decent or on the low side?</p>


<p>Unweighted GPA: 3.98 (out of 4.0)
Weighted GPA: 4.85 (out of 5.0)</p>

<p>APs taken:
AP Biology - 5 (taken sophomore year)
AP Chemistry - TBA
AP Statistics - TBA
AP Language - TBA</p>

<p>Next year's APs: Modern World; Physics; Calculus; Human Geography; Psychology; Literature</p>

<p>My school does not rank. Also, I'm from the Washington DC area in which there is a plethora of smart students.</p>


<p>*years include senior year</p>

<p>Debate (4years) Captain (best record on team)
Varsity Tennis (4 years)
SGA (2 years) Parliamentarian/treas
Student Academy of Science (2 years) founder and president
It's Academic (3 years) County Champions
Math Honor Society (2 years)
National Honor Society (2 years)</p>

<p>Volunteer Hours: roughly 200</p>


<p>Taken Engineering course at George Washington University
Interned Two years at Walter Reed Army Institute for Research
Created science project entitled "Effects of ACHe on the brains of American soldiers"
2nd place at Regional Neuroscience contest</p>


<p>WPI book award
im pretty sure some others but nothing too extravagent</p>

<p>Please Help</p>

<p>any opinions?</p>

<p>I think you have a strong shot</p>

<p>youre in. Research Intership is one of the best things you can put on any resume.</p>

<p>Isn't his SAT score on the low side?</p>

<p>I think the SAT is okay, and he has a demonstrated focus in science which help the ECs. I think a strong shot, not in for sure though by any stretch. I know plenty of top kids who get rejected.</p>

<p>Someone said that research intership is the best thing you can put on a resume?
Do you have to have actually win an award for that effect to take place or is the act of doing research good enough? I am just helping someone in Columbia do his stuff and I don't think I can do my own project.</p>

<p>whats your race?</p>

<p>I would say great shot, but for the hours of volunteering, the always curious and hidden rec's from GC's and teachers and that whole essay thing. For the stats you posted it looks good, but of course thatÂ’s not the whole application.</p>

<p>I also believe you would make a strong applicant...only concern is the lower SAT Verbal Score, but still, looking good.</p>