Chances at DePaul, Northwestern, UNCSA, Salem State, Columbia College Chicago, Beloit

<p>I am a high school junior planning on going to college for either Stage Management (probably) or Technical Theatre.</p>

GPA(cumulative):3.6 (out of 4.0)
GPA (currently):3.5
Mostly A's and B's One C in Chemistry</p>

I've only taken them once, and plan to take them again. (and am taking Prep Classes)
Writing: 690
Reading: 670
Math: 540</p>

<p>Class Load:
Full Schedule all three years, total of 4 honors classes, one AP.
Planning on taking a nearly full schedule next year with one AP class.</p>

Stage Manage for High School Theatre
Literary Magazine
National Honors Society
Student Senate
Book Club
Volunteer for Believe in Books Foundation during the winter</p>

<p>Right now my first choice for college is DePaul. My other choices are in the header. Do you think I have a chance?</p>