Chances at DU, Colby, and some others

<p>Ok , I went to a Service Academy but had to resign due to medical issues but there not a problem anymore after big-time surgery,but unfortuntly from being in and out of the hospital ontop of the rigors of the academy all year my grades suffered and have 2.0 gpa. I sent a brief letter and tlak to the admissions office to explain my extenuating circumstances. I hope that getting into the academy and attending will have some impact on the decision, cause i do know my gpa sucked.</p>

<p>Prior to college, I went to a prestigous all boys private school and got ok grades and was in the top 25% I think, and my SAT scores were I think 1200 or something. I was an elite athlete competing all over country and international competitions. My extra-curriculars are good, alot of volunteer work at soup kitchens and my church, also went to Mexico for Casas Por Cristos to build houses for 2 weeks. Couple Clubs in school but limited from school work and practice and traveling for competitions.</p>

<p>I really want to go to the University of Denver but I feel like I burnt my bridges from my gpa at the academy, but there were extenuating circumstances. How do my chances look?</p>

<p>Also for ... Regis Univeristy in Denver, UC at Boulder, Oberlin, Lehigh, Fairfield, and Colby.</p>

<p>I know some seem like a reach but my academic counselor at the academy said go for them, cause I do know my major and did go the academy which is uncaparable to any other univeristy of college. BTW its for Spring 2008.</p>


<p>canster, if you haven't already go on college board and check the transfer rates/admissions out for each of your colleges. That might give you some type of idea about how many each accept. Also, are you interested in any other schools/states besides these? Glad your medical issues are cleared up.</p>

<p>You should get into DU and Regis, and go to DU, esp. good in business. Let DU know about your situation. They accept about 75% of frosh and about the same for transfers, so you should be able to pull that off. I bet they disregard the academy downer. Oberlin and Colby are stretches, as well as Lehigh. Fairfield's a possibility, but I'd choose south-central Denver over Jersey.</p>