Chances at Duke/Cornell/etc? Anxious junior is seeking help!

<p>Hey guys! </p>

<p>I'm beginning my application process for the year 2012 and was wondering if you guys could let me know how competitive I am for certain schools. </p>

Gender: Female
School Type: Public
Ethnicity: Asian
Rank: 34/420
GPA (weighted): 4.8 (unweighted): 3.7
SAT I (CR): 700 (M): 700 (W): 730 <2130, hoping to get to a 2200 or a 33-35 ACT composite score>
SAT IIs: I'm waiting on my scores for U.S. History, Biology (M), and Literature
AP Exams: Lang 4, waiting on scores for Bio, Lit, and APUSH. I'll be moving to a school that uses the IB program--I'm planning on taking 5-6 IB classes my senior year.</p>

<p>EXTRACURRICULAR ACTIVITIES (as planned by senior year)
-Peers Making Peace Peer Mediator: 1 year
-Varsity Tennis (captain): 4 years
-Debate (founder): 4 years
-Work at HCO: 4 months
---Volunteering/Service Oriented Clubs---
-Key Club International: 3 years
-Health Occupational Students of America: 2 years
-HOPE Club: 2 years
-Red Cross Club: 2 years
-Beta Club: 1 year
---Summer Activities---
-UNT Debate Program: 4 weeks
-Volunteered at hospital: 6 weeks
-Work at Friendship Ventures (camp for adults and children with disabilities) as counselor: 6 weeks
-Selected to take part in Chinese Cultural Exchange (taught high school students English): 4 weeks
-PENDING.. South Korean Cultural Exchange: 2 weeks</p>

-Class President: 2 years
-Class representative for Student Council: 2 years
-MVP and Captain of Varsity Tennis Team: 1 year</p>

<p>I would have moved 3 times throughout my high school career by the time I submit my applications. That's why many of my activities have been inconsistent.</p>

Reach: Duke, Cornell, Stanford, BS/MD programs (Northwestern, Rice/Baylor, etc.)</p>

<p>^Honestly I would be so happy to get into any of those schools <3</p>

<p>You have okay stats you are going to want to raise that SAT/ACT score by a lot at least above a 2250 or 34 (I am basically in the same situation). Also work on your EC’s that will help, and raise that GPA.</p>

<p>Right now I would say that all of them are high reaches but if you do that then I think Columbia, Northwestern, and Cornell would be regular/low reaches and the rest would be reaches. Remember for these schools all of them are crapshoots I have seen kids that have gotten above 2350 and seemed as if they had really good stats and get into none of these and others with sub 2000 and get into Cornell and Stanford! It might be a bit discouraging (as this site is) but work hard and you can do it!</p>

<p>Chance me back please <a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>The bar is higher for you since you are an Asian.</p>

<li>Raise your SAT (or ACT) and SAT II scores</li>
<li>Try to raise your UWGPA as much as you can</li>
<li>Start your essays early</li>
<li>Apply to many colleges</li>

<p>As of right now, Duke, Rice, Northwestern, Cornell are reach schools.</p>

<p>Two Asian girls from my HS got into those schools with 2250+ and 3.85+ UWGPA.</p>

<p>I have no idea what these guys are writing, but I actually went through this process</p>

<p>Duke, Cornell, Stanford, BS/MD programs (Northwestern, Rice/Baylor, etc.) </p>

<p>Of those schools, you should know that Northwestern HPME and Rice/Baylor and Brown PLME have acceptance rates at around 4-5%. Those are not reaches. They are dream schools. Stanford is another Dream school with your scores. On top of that Duke is a high reach and Cornell is a mid-reach. But since you are asian, it will be harder. PM me if you have any questions about your chances</p>