Chances at getting in??

<p>Hi i already applied to stony brook and im waiting for the response and I'm really worried about it. I would like to know my chances at getting in?
Sat CR-560
Sat M-500
Sat W-400 (will they look at this)
I know my SAT's aren't really high
I haven't taken AP classes but i have taken many honors classes like Chemistry Honors, French 2 Honors ,3 honors ,Honors English in 10th and 11th grade, honors physics,
I'm ranked in top 30% of my class
when i graduate I will have the advanced regents diploma
English regents-88
French regents-100
Global history Regents-98
Bio Regents-91
Chemistry Regents-80
Earth science regents-91
U.S. History regents-97
Math A regents-87
I'm also extremely active in AFJROTC (all four years of high school)
I have an officer ranking
I've received many medals and honors in AFJROTC </p>

<p>So can anyone help me and tell me my chance? I would greatly appreciated this.</p>

<p>Low. . . sorry =/
You can always transfer from another college after a year or two.</p>

<p>hey thanks for at least someone replying and yeah i know they are low but can anyone else still tell me what they think. Oh wait can anyone answer this question what is the The National Society of High School Scholars because they sent me an invitation to become a member but i have no idea what it is?</p>

<p>GPA is a little too low.
SAT writing is WAY too low. Wow I didn’t know people could score that low.</p>

<p>Even with your honors courses, your GPA and SAT show that you are unlikely to get in.
And your extracurricular activities don’t seem that extensive which doesn’t help. You don’t have a good variety of things or even a lot.</p>

<p>You may want to look at some lower-end schools.</p>

<p>I agree with Chris, even though that was kind of mean lol</p>

<p>I thought SB was a lower end school</p>

<p>I am sorry I am harsh. Normally I would encourage people but I think you should really know the truth and get more safety schools if you are going to apply to SBU.</p>

<p>I don’t want you to apply to SBU and think it is a safety for you. It wouldn’t do the world any good if a reasonable person/student like you didn’t get into any college.</p>

<p>It isn’t a lower end school-- and this year its even much more competitive. 6 kids in my class got deferred and their grades were well within range. . . </p>

<p>Anyways, for Stony Brook, the average grade is about 91% HS avg and like a 1210 or 1240? i think, i hear both numbers. Its hard to get in below a 1200 and VERY hard to get in below an 1150. . . The average is not as important, just make sure you have above an 87. . .which you do not. </p>

<p>I wouldn’t call it a safety school if you aren’t above the average (1200, 91%)</p>

<p>Oh and your scholars thing . . .
i don’t know if its a scam, but it just looks like there isn’t ANY benefit to joining.
Read here:
<a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>Where else did you apply? And what are you planning to do?</p>

<p>Definately not a low-end school. Stony Brook also has a Medical and Dental school that is one of the top in the USA!</p>

<p>bravo MPNY</p>

<p>no it’s ok Chris i get it and oooh ok thanks Rbasu91 for letting me know and i’ve also applied to C.W. Post, St john and a couple of other place…and I’m going planning on going for Bio…</p>

<p>If you don’t get into Stony Brook you probably have a good chance St. Johns and LIU</p>

<p>if you live in New York, then you might be accepted through the EOP program.</p>

<p>St. Johns is offering great money. Everyone I know who was accepted got money. I was accepted to Stonybrook. I have strong SAT 1440/2110 but weak GPA 86 cumulative. I got 80,000 from St. John’s (spread over four years guaranteed).</p>

<p>Wow… $80000! Is it too late to apply?</p>

<p>I applied early, they had sent me a letter last summer indicating that the earlier you apply you go to the front of the line basically when they are awarding scholarships. I put my application in in November and they let me know as soon as they got my transcripts.</p>