Chances at getting into Princeton, Cornell, Berkeley, UMich, etc.

Currently a junior…
GPA: 3.97 UW, 4.53 W
ACT: 35
SAT: will get scores back early May (guessing around 1520-1550)

AP Credits: Will have Physics 1, US History, and English Language by application time, and taking Chem, BC Calc, and Lit and Comp next year

ECs: -will have 4 years of soccer, won state championship in largest division/class in competitive state
-VP/board member of school’s largest club (does volunteer work)
-Peer tutor
-Member of another school club for anti-bullying, anti-drug use, etc.
-travel soccer team all 4 years (not sure if this counts/matters but I’ll include anyway)

-90 hours from peer tutoring
-~25 hours for misc. volunteering

-Worked as a caddy for 2 summers, hope to get another job this summer

-ethnicity is white
-Scored 80 on AMC 12 as a junior, hope to improve and maybe qualify for AIME next year
-Upward trend for GPA/number of weighted classes
-Planning on applying in some STEM field, most likely engineering (I know I need to decide soon)

I plan on applying to:
-U of Minnesota (safety)
-U of Illinois (safety)
-U of Michigan (target)
-UC Berkeley (target/reach)
-Princeton (reach)
-Cornell (reach)
-Possibly applying to Purdue and UCLA too, not sure yet

Any feedback on my realistic odds at these schools, especially the reach schools like Berkeley, Princeton, and Cornell, would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

I don’t think you’ll get into Princeton due to your ECs. I don’t see how you won’t get into UMinnesota, UI, and either one or both of UMich and Cal. You might get in at Cornell, but you might also get rejected due to your ECs.

Firstly, take everything you read here with a grain of salt.

Your scores and GPA are excellent, even for Cornell and Princeton. They put you at least slightly above 50th %ile for each of the schools you listed, so great job!

Minnesota and Illinois are guaranteed. Michigan is getting incredibly competitive, and depending on which college you’re applying to ((e.g. Engineering, Ross (business), etc)) your chances vary greatly. However, with your scores I think you have a very good chance as long as you demonstrate strong interest (assuming you are out-of-state).

I don’t know much about Berkeley but I do know it’s slightly more competitive than UMich. If you can really sell yourself, I would think you have a good shot, but then again, I wouldn’t be surprised if you saw a deferral/waitlist or even a rejection from them.

Lastly, Princeton will be tough. Like @beepybeetle mentioned, your ECs are spread a bit too thin. The caddying is good, but only one leadership position is going to be a tough sell. That being said, with your scores it’s worth a shot, as is Cornell.

Best of luck!

UC Berkeley is a reach for all.

If you want to apply to UCLA, I’m pretty sure you’ll get in. Are you in-state?

You’re for sure getting into your safeties, and a high chance of getting in UMich - your stats are competitive even if your ECs are run of mill. (about four people from my school with similar stats and ECs to your got in) UCB is slightly more competitive, and Cornell and Princeton are a gamble for anyone, though you have a higher chance at Cornell.

chance back?:

Your score is good and GPA is fine. The chance of admission would depend on which school and the rest of your application. For UMich, your chance would be higher than average applicants even for CoE but may still be around 50%. Your chance at LSA would be higher.

Your stats are good, but your ECs look a bit like a short laundry list. I can’t really sense much coherence. You seem to be a strong student with your course-load and grades, but unfortunately that won’t separate you from other applicants. This summer, I would focus on doing something impactful relating to STEM/engineering - some suggestions: work on your own engineering project, do research at a lab, etc. These types of things would really show your interest and passion.

Chance back?

You could probably get into your safeties, Mich is pretty difficult to get into and acceptances are beginning to seem more and more like a crapshoot - same UCB. Cornell possibly, but the other schools are definite reaches - but that’s not to say you shouldn’t try! Your stats put you in a competitive position.

I’d say at the moment UCB is a reach. They weigh heavily on the essays though, make it good and start ahead of time. Have professionals read it over. Be specific with no fluff attached. Go for stronger leadership roles in your EC’s, get into something that is really important and relevant. UCLA is similar to Berkeley, perhaps even more competitive.

The UC’s do not provide any financial aid for non-residents.
They are California public schools and cannot afford to fund non-residents.
They will cost you $60K+ per year. OOS students pay full fees.
You need to be able to afford those numbers if you plan to apply.

If UIUC is OOS for you, you are likely to pay full price too. Also, the chance would depend on which major. For some engineering, it is not a safety for anyone even with your score unless you are from in-state.