Chances at Harvard

<p>I am on the honor roll and I play the trombone. I am also on student council and I play soccer. My friends tell me I'm smart (I guess they're not lying, after all I got a 2000, 97%, on my SATs :P) </p>

<p>So how's it looking!? I can't wait 'till decisions come out.</p>

<p>and greens eggs...</p>

<p>but anywho...your chances aren't looking that strong with only a 2000 sat score. However, maybe you should tell us more about yourself since the admissions process is holistic. For instance, are you a good enough soccer player to be recruited? Do you have any major awards in music? Things like that.</p>

<p>OP can you please delete this thread? This was intended to be a joke and it expresses the sour mood I was in when I posted it. It is kind of jerky now so it should go bye-bye.</p>

<p>hehe…you ARE the OP (original poster)…i think you mean mod.</p>

<p>btw, you made me “chance” you for nothing…jerk :)</p>