chances at hogwarts??

<p>transfering from harvard</p>

<p>my gpa is 4.0 and i scored a twelv on the essay</p>

<p>im worried i might b 2 smart, autoravunclaw
mayb can b griffindor???</p>

<p>ps choos ur favorit animal</p>

<p>They don't accept muggles like you!</p>

<p>If you qualify for Hogwarts, they will let you know by sending you a letter using owls.</p>

<p>i'll be your date to the yule ball. lemme know.</p>

<p>i dunno, you first got to be able to transfigure basic objects and have good defense against the dark art skills. Of course i assume you know how to concoct a veritserum and polyjuice potion.</p>

<p>From what I've heard, Hogwarts has such good recruiting that they'll find you even if you don't apply!</p>