Chances at Honors without the 1350?

<p>SAT: 620V 690M 530W (11 Essay)
SAT II: Lit, Math I II, Chem, Latin (All under 600)
ACT: (28) 25E, 29M, 28R, 30S + 27 Writing 11 Essay
Rank: 1 of 450
Rural PA</p>

<p>Attended a governor's school for computer geeks and won the programming compitition there...</p>

<p>Color Guard Rifle Captain
Odyssey of the Mind Capt (founded)
International Club Pres (founded)
National Latin Honor Society Pres (founded)
Latin Club Pres (founded)
Key Club Editor
Nanotechnology Club Treasurer (At a local college)
and many clubs...</p>

<p>I take some college classes for fun, so far I've taken five and I have a 4.0...</p>

<p>I want to be a classics major, but I have a strong interest in nanotechnology, computers and art.</p>

<p>I know my SATs are horrible, I really am a bad test taker, but I am naturally smart, I have the IQ to prove it, but unfortunately we can't submit those...</p>

<p>UPenn: Deferred
Penn State: Accepted (Going for Honors)

<p>Any feedback would be highly appreciated...</p>

<p>I'm not sure. I know people who've gotten into Cornell but not Schreyer.</p>

<p>Can't do any better on your rank! Congrats, hang in there to your finish. I'd guess your scores make you pretty iffy for Schreyer, knowing their big pool in the absence of discovering the cure for common cold or something like that. Doesn't hurt trying. How rural's rural? This may carry weight if you're like Abe Lincoln. Congrats too on the Gov School. That is a very significant accomplishment. Can you speak Latin? :eek: ;)</p>

<p>Hang in there & give it a shot. It's only price of a coupla pizzas to try, and if you come up big, you can super-size it with anchovies! Remember, they only take a coupla Penn State handfuls in Schreyer. And it'll be even tougher in the next few years with smaller frosh classes to compensate for their goof this year.</p>

<p>And there are a whole lot more spots @ Cornell than Schreyer. Princeton'll be a real climb in absence of a very funny, eye-catching Pulitzer quality essay. And you're right. IQ don't count in this beauty contest. Whadya wanna study?</p>

<p>hmm, what goof this year?</p>

<p>I think that the goof that Whistle Pig is referring to is the record high number of admitted students who matriculated in the current (class of '10) Freshman class.</p>

<p>ahh, naturally my luck then. i just don't think i'll be happy without the honors...</p>

<p>Possible chance Cornell since you are a female into programming; same with Penn. Doubt Princeton. Questionable Schreyers. Did you apply to a particular PSU program?</p>

<p>i don't think so. can you give me an example?</p>

<p>PSU has different colleges: college of engineering, science, business etc.
A lot of times scholarships come from the college rather than the university.</p>

<p>If that's true re: your projected disappointment, you may want to give some thought to perhaps a bit "safer" acceptable plan B's. You've an excellent record, but your current plans would seem to include alot of crap shoots, even for the best, which you are among. </p>

<p>I'm not saying Schreyer, Cornell, Penn, Princeton might not happen. But they are all very tough with lots of valedictory applicants, and you need to be prepared and keep this in some reasonable control, seems to me. Just my opinion. And you still have time before Jan 1.</p>

<p>heh. the way i look at it, i either want to go big to go to penn state.
i got into materials science and engineering...</p>

<p>1350 is not a cutoff, although, it is much harder to be accepted if your M + V SAT is below that. However, you shine in all other areas, so, I'd say you have a chance.</p>

<p>The materials science and engineering in College of Earth and Mineral Sciences is an excellent program. Congrats and good luck.</p>

<p>Schreyer will be quite tough, I fear, and Cornell, Penn, Princeton more so. Be prepared. Get your ducks lined up.</p>