<p>Please tell me if I'm reaching too high (hey i can always dream) and what good schools would be more of a match</p>
<p>GPA- 4.55 Weigted, 18/548 Rank, Illinois public
ACT: 30 (will retake for shizzle)
SAT II's: Taking In June, looking for 700's
Taking 2 AP's this year, Lang and Comp and History (3/4) and (3/4)
Full AP schedule next year
Most rigourous schedule in school</p>
Junior and Senior Leader PE class- (Leads class in warm ups, teacher assistant)
National Honor Society (just got in, will run for pres.)
4 Years Varsity Soccer, 2 letters (Hoping to be captain next year)
4 Years Club Soccer (Captain)
JV Tennis (9,10)
American Legions Boys State
Polish Language High School Graduate (9,10,11)
Founded and President of Polish Club (11,12)
Varsity Club Member (11,12)
Pi Sigma Pi Society of excellence in History member
Soccer Camp (9,10,11,12)</p>
IHSA Scholar Athlete
Presidential Award for Outstanding Academic Excellence (1999,2002)
High Honor Roll all Semesters
Outstanding Achievement- German, Spanish, History of West. World, World Cultures
National Honor Society for High School Scholars (bs I know, or is it?)
NIU Goalkeeper Camp in Summer</p>
<p>Yeah thats it, I think im reaching to far but Im going to apply to some ivies, ey what the heck. What would be some good matches for me as I think? these are all reaches. Anythign I can improve on with the time i have</p>