Chances at Lehigh RD?

<p>Hello all! I am a white, male, rising senior from northern Mass and I attend a competitive private school that sends around 15 kids a year to Ivies and then many others to top 20/LACs, etc.</p>


<p>GPA: 4.0 unweighted, 4.6 weighted
Rank: 2-3 / 370</p>

<p>Freshman Year:</p>

<p>English 1 Honors- A+
World History1 Honors- A+
Spanish Honors- A
Algebra 1 Honors- A
Biology Honors- A
2 required CP Religion semester courses- A+
Percussion 1 Accelerated (level required) - A+</p>

<p>Sophomore Year:</p>

<p>English 2 Honors- A
World History2 Honors- A
Spanish 2 Honors- A+
Geometry /Alg2 Honors- A+
Chemistry Honors- A
2 Required CP Religion Semester Courses- A+
Percussion 2 Accelerated ("")- A+</p>

<p>Junior Year</p>

<p>AP English Language- A
AP (2 year program) United States History- A+
AP Calculus AB- A
AP Physics B- A
Race and Gender Honors- A
Spanish Honors 3- A+
2 required Accelerated Religion Courses - A+</p>

<p>Senior Year Schedule:</p>

<p>AP Biology
AP Calculus BC
AP English Literature
AP Spanish
AP US History
Ethics H
World Religions H</p>

<p>Sats: (2230)
Math- 740
Critical Reading- 740

<p>SAT subject tests:</p>

<p>760 Spanish
740 Physics</p>

<p>Extra Curricular activities:</p>

<p>-Freshman/JV division 1 soccer
-Varsity division 1 soccer (Junior/ Senior years)
-Junior/Senior Student Leader of "Beverly House" (Community service program)
-Spanish club (4 years)
-Sophomore Retreat coordinator/ leader
-Eagles Wings Freshman Orientation Planner/co-leader
-XBSS (one of six students chosen from grade to meet multiple times a week to plan new activities for to the school that will honor its charisms)
-Co-Leader of School-wide Immigration Initiative designed by XBSS
-Ecuador service trip
-Spanish exchange program
-7 years of drum lessons- 3 years of African Hand drumming (studying specifically the djembe), with multiple ensembles
-100 hours of community service for/with NHS
-Tons of little jobs around campus- i.e. filming videos for the admissions office, going to prospective student meetings at houses, blogging, etc.</p>

Summer day camp counselor, in charge of recreational activities at Camp (3 years)
Soccer referee (2 years)</p>


<p>Harvard Book Award
AP Scholar
XBSS nomination (one of six students chosen from 370 kids)
Headmasters list three years (a- average or above)
Campus Ministry Award
National Merit Commendation
National Spanish Exam Gold Medals: 2009, 2010
Academic Excellence Awards:
2008: Religious studies, English and history
2009: Religious studies, English, history, chemistry, mathematics
2010: Overall Academic Excellence (English, religion, Calculus)
National Honors Society (3 years)
Foreign Language National Honors Society (3 years)</p>


<p>2 (I hope) awesome recs
counselor rec I assume will be good, I know him decently well.</p>

<p>essay is deep, about how my experiences in Ecuador connect to my daily life</p>


<p>I would say you have the goods for any top college.</p>

<p>Haha, you go to my son’s school! Eyy Prep! You will get into Lehigh and most likely into the Eckardt Scholars program as my son did. If you do end up chosing Lehigh or have any questions once my son starts in September, send me a PM.</p>

<p>Make sure you visit the campus and talk alot about that on your app. Also, make sure you have a creative and unusual essay!</p>

<p>Good luck with your decision.</p>

<p>JMO, but I wouldn’t say it’s a lock. He may be looked at as using Lehigh as a safety, therefore, they may waitlist him to gauge his true interest. This is just my opinion. He would be a great candidate for Lehigh.</p>

<p>Good point, nothing is a lock in the admissions process as my son found out!</p>