Chances at Mcgill?

<p>School: Very competitive school (ranked one of top public schools in state)
GPA: 3.88/4.00 unweighted
3.45 weighted
SATs: 700R 730W 760M (will retake in october)
SAT II: 700 US History, 730 Bio M, 730 Math IIC</p>


<p>9th grade:
Honors History: A
Honors Physics: A-
Honors Algebra II: A-
English 9: A
Spanish Int 1:A</p>

<p>10th Grade:
AP World History: A-
Honors Biology: A
Honors Precalc: A-
English 10: A-
Spanish Int 2: A</p>

<p>11 Grade:
AP US History:A
AP Biology:A-
AP Calculus AB:A
Honors Chemistry:A-
Honors Spanish:A
Honors English: A-</p>

<p>12 Grade
Going pretty well with the grades so far... Hopefully no more than 1 B+ on report card (classes: AP European History, AP Statistics, AP Chemistry, AP Spanish, World Literature)</p>

-Member of NEC Youth Philharmonic Orchestra (one of, if not the best youth orchestra in the nation)
-Concertmaster of School Orchestra, and of different community orchestras
-Participation in All-state Orchestra last year and district orchestras before that
-Research during summer 2006 and 2007 on Kaposi's Sarcoma
-Volunteer Every Sunday at a local hospital (around 500 total hours in all community service)
-During this summer, I helped out at a Local music camp as a CIT by helping out kids with this chamber music struggles.

<p>Essays: Should be pretty good
Recs: One should be very positive. The other should be good (she might comment on speaking more though)</p>

-Eagle Scout
Princeton Book Award
Music Department Award-Outstanding Musical Achievement in Orchestra
Music Department Award - Outstanding Achievement in Orchestra
Honorable Mention in City-wide scholastic arts contest</p>

<p>i dont think it is a good match, simply because you really probably know close to nothing about McGill.
There is no essay!
Unless u are applying for a scholarships(which are VERY uncommon for internationals)</p>

<p>And they do not look at extracurricular activity either</p>

<p>But other than that, grades look great</p>

<p>^Nope, I know about mcgill... </p>

<p>Think I can get in?</p>

<p>You'll be admitted to McGill for sure.</p>

<p>Which state are you from? I played in Ohio All-State for 4 years.</p>

<p>Well u must not have observed there admssions then.</p>

<p>They accept you based of of merit, and merit only (Grades and test scores)
In which case, you are in.</p>

<p>You should consider applying to some US schools...</p>

<p>^I am... McGill is the only canadian/international school I'm applying to</p>