Chances at Northwestern?

<p>First the all-important stats:
4.27 weighted gpa
3.91 unweighted gpa
4 AP's and 3 Honors by the time I finish senior year
4 on the US History AP Test
700 on SAT 2 Math 2c, 720 on SAT 2 Literature, and 740 on SAT 2 US History
SAT: 690 Critical Reading, 690 Math, 730 Writing (2110 composite score)
4 years playing water polo, Varsity Captain (probably like 14 hours a week for 12 weeks each year)
4 years swimming (Probably like 10-12 hours for 10 weeks each year)
3 years of volunteering at Safe Haven Animal Sanctuary (4 hours a week for around 10 weeks each year; fostered animals and help at adoption fairs)
AVID Tutor (Tutoring Sophomores in the AVID program; it's a daily thing I'm doing this senior year)
I've gotten a couple of people (teachers and people in my community) to take a look as well as a person who used to help with admissions decisions and they've all told me that they think they're pretty good. My essays center around water polo and swimming as they're a big part of my life.
Teacher and Counselor Recs:
Don't know what they wrote, but I'm sure they're really good because I had one of the teachers for 2 years and the other one I got along really well with.
I'm a Mexican-born male who came here about 9 years ago. First language and language spoken at home is Spanish. My mom works for the Mexican government, so I'm considered an international student even though I've done all of high school here. I will be the first person in my family to go to college and I will need financial aid from the school that I attend if it is a private university.</p>

<p>I've applied to UC Irvine and UC San Diego. I've already been admitted to SDSU. I will be applying to Harvard, Cornell, Boston University, American University, and Northwestern.</p>

<p>What are my chances at each school considering I am an international student looking for financial aid? (Harvard and Northwestern have called/e-mailed me before, does that mean anything or does that help in any way?)</p>

<p>UCSD: Match
UCI: Safe Match</p>

<p>Northwestern: Slight Reach/Match</p>

<p>I think you missed the Mexican male part.. you have a great chance at every school except Harvard.</p>

<p>URM+3.91+2110+good EC's= into almost any school you apply to (although I cant tell you how applying as an international student will affect the chances). Great shot at BU, Cornell, AU, and Northwestern. Good Luck!!!!!!</p>

<p>Quick question, I hear Northwestern is big on applicants showing a strong interest in the University. Unfortunately, I haven't been able to visit due to financial reasons. Is there anything I can do to show that I am really interested in their school?</p>

<p>i didnt visit NU last year, got in RD, and i only am 2 hour plane ride away, won't hurt.</p>

<p>Last quick question (I promise), I know that College Board and others say Northwestern has an admit rate of 29-30% (maybe different now). But doesn't this include all colleges? Since I know that obviously Medill School of Journalism and the Theater Programs are highly competitive, does this mean this is factored in to the 30% admit rate? In that case, what is the admit rate (or a rough estimate) of each school? Does Weinberg School of Arts and Sciences have a higher admit rate, and if so does anyone know around what percentage they admit? Any help is appreciated.</p>

<p>I would bet most anything that you are in to Northwestern. Don't have to sweat about it like I did!! :) Good luck with Harvard, you have a great shot there, too!</p>

<p>Giving this old thread one final bump before the week is over and I know for sure where I'm going. So far I've been accepted everywhere except for Cornell/Harvard/Northwestern, which I'm still waiting to hear from. Any last thoughts? Keep your fingers crossed for me plz :)</p>

<p>Cornell and Northwestern - 50/50.
Harvard - 60/40 against</p>

<p>Well guys, I'm updating this one FINAL time to let you know where I got in and where I didn't.</p>

<p>I got rejected from Northwestern, so I think ultimately being an international student asking for aid was the deciding factor, as I contacted them and they said that for that pool of applicants they admitted less than 10 percent.</p>

<p>I got waitlisted at Harvard, which was EXTREMELY surprising. I'm actually really happy about it, I'm going to stay on the waitlist, show a lot of interest, and hopefully something good will happen there.</p>

<p>And lastly...I GOT INTO CORNELL :) :) :) This is basically my dream school, and I was SO EXCITED when I got in. Ultimately, I think my essays, letters of recommendation, and the interview really gave me the needed edge to get in. I'm so incredibly happy, and hopefully you guys heard some good news too.</p>