<p>I'm a junior (obviously) at a private christian school. I have a 3.7ish GPA and have taken, for the most part, the most challenging classes my school offers. I'm on the national honors society and the academic league. I've organized a recycling program at my school. I've been interning for congressman Bob Filner for the last year. I have gone with my church on several occasions to visit orphanages, and build houses in Mexico and Jamaica. I'm heavily involved in the local san diego music scene. I'm a singer-songwriter (I play guitar, steel guitar, accordian, drums, etc.) I've released 3 albums and have been nominated for 3 san diego music awards. I have worked together with Taylor guitars to fund music programs in elementary schools, and have performed at political rallies and a water conservation fund-raiser. I haven't taken my SATs yet (and I'm really a little concerned about how I'll do on them). Not to play the sympathy card, but both of my parents passed away my freshman year, so I have a compelling story. What do you think? Thanks in advance! -Derek</p>
<p>what college are you going to apply to? you sound like a tischie; many would-be tischies don't make it because they think that tehir creative talents will make up for lower stats. They won't, dig around the forums and oyu'll find stories of super-talented kids, future cassavettes and deniros who get denied.</p>
<p>if you wanna get in, work your ass off, score in the upper 2000s on the SATs, write effective essays, show a broad EC interest, and rank within the top 5-10% of your school.</p>
<p>and always have a backup plan</p>
<p>come back when you take your SAT's</p>