Chances at Penn ED, Columbia, Cornell, Yale with new scores

<p>Im looking to major in history or art history and im applying to the following:
Penn ED (college), Columbia, Cornell, Yale, Tufts, Trinity, UMich, SUNY Binghamton </p>

<p>white female
upstate NY
good public high school, ranked by USNews to be 30th in the nation</p>

<p>SAT I: 800 verbal
680 math<br>
SAT II: 800 world hist
780 us hist
780 writing
ACT: 32
GPA: 94 unweighted
no rank
will have taken 9 AP's by end of senior year
AP Euro 5, AP US Hist 5, AP Latin Lit 4, AP Chem 4</p>

Crew (9-12)
-getting recruited by Penn
-3 years varsity
-went to nationals last year and placed 7th in the grand final
-several medals at the state level</p>

<p>Interact Club (10-12)
-VP (11)
-Treasurer (12)</p>

<p>Youth and Government Club (10-12)
-Won Best Attorney Award in New York State
-Appointed Associate Justice for state conference
-Treasurer (11)
-President (12)</p>

<p>Model UN (9-12)
-have won 3 Outstanding Delegate Awards</p>

<p>NHS (11-12)
-Vice President</p>

National Merit Commended
Attended JSA Summer School at Yale
Attended Democratic National Convention with JSA
Volunteer for Monroe County Democratic Committee
PTSA Social Studies Achievement Award
Nat'l Latin Exam Summa Cum Laude (2), Maxima Cum Laude (2) </p>

<p>Alright, so what are my chances now that my SAT went up 150 points...</p>

<p>Just wondering, where can you see a USNews ranking of high schools? There's no mention of it on their website, where did you hear it?</p>

<p>i'd say you're in penn, so don't even worry about the others. with your high scores (especially SAT IIs) and the fact that they're recruiting you... it's almost a guarantee IMO.</p>

<p>the USNews thing was out in their magazine about a year ago. the way they did the rankings was based on the number of AP classes offered, the number of AP's kids took, and how well the students scored.</p>

<p>does anyone else have an opinion on my chances? please?</p>




<p> one?</p>

<p>I'm pretty sure the ranking you're talking about was done by Newsweek, not USNews.</p>

<p>In at Penn. Recruit + great scores + nice GPA = you're golden.</p>


<p>you're definitely in. your stats are enviable.</p>

<p>Might want to apply to Duke.</p>

<p>wow getting recruited by penn is amazing! i wish i could help ya there with your chances but i'm not sure myself (as u saw by my post). i'm pretty sure you have an awesome chance at all of them though! good luck!</p>

<p>thank you guys so much! i really do love penn and hope that i get in there early. but just in case i get deferred (god forbid), could anyone comment on my chances at my RD schools? i wont be getting recruited by anyone but penn, so im pretty sure that will lower my chances at the other schools...</p>

<p>Even if you're not getting recruited by any other schools, it sounds like you'll be able to compete for them. Drop the coach a line and say you want to do crew for their school.
I have a good friend that just signed early for track with Penn a few weeks ago and his stats weren't ANYWHERE near as impressive as yours (though he finished 2nd in New Englands this past year in the 800). If you're being recruited by a school, you're in (at least I hope so for my sake :p)</p>

<p>Looks good.</p>