<p>Im looking to major in history or art history</p>
<p>white female
upstate NY
good public high school, ranked by USNews to be 30th in the nation</p>
<p>SAT I: 800 verbal
680 math
SAT II: 800 world hist
780 us hist
780 writing
ACT: 32
GPA: 94 unweighted
no rank
will have taken 9 AP's by end of senior year
AP Euro 5, AP US Hist 5, AP Latin Lit 4, AP Chem 4</p>
Crew Team(9-12)
-3 years varsity
-went to nationals last year and placed 7th in the grand final
-several medals at the state level</p>
<p>Interact Club (10-12)
-VP (11)
-Treasurer (12)</p>
<p>Youth and Government Club (10-12)
-Won Best Attorney Award in New York State
-Appointed Associate Justice for state conference
-Treasurer (11)
-President (12)</p>
<p>Model UN (9-12)
-have won 3 Outstanding Delegate Awards</p>
<p>NHS (11-12)
-Vice President</p>
National Merit Commended
Attended JSA Summer School at Yale
Attended Democratic National Convention with JSA
Volunteer for Monroe County Democratic Committee
PTSA Social Studies Achievement Award
Nat'l Latin Exam Summa Cum Laude (2), Maxima Cum Laude (2) </p>
<p>Alright, so what are my chances now that my SAT went up 150 points...?</p>