<p>Hi all,</p>
<p>Vital Stats:
Singaporean, Asian, Male, ED Penn for Fisher, not applying for FA
Top/2nd (depending on the year you look at :P) public school in country
SAT I: 2330 (800M/800CR/730W)
SAT II: should be 800/800/800 for Math/Phy/Chem</p>
<p>School Results:
Predicted A-level Grades: probably AAAA/H3:A/A1 (most demanding course load)
Rank: School does not rank</p>
Computing Related:
+ National Olympiad in Informatics Silver Medal
+ President of Computer Club</p>
<p>Led club to top of country leading to a fully sponsored trip to MSFT Redmond where we met Gates =D National IT Quiz Team & Indv Champions National Infocomm Club Ambassador (one of 13 students in the whole of country, representing and reflecting the views of youth on IT-related issues)</p>
<p>Science Related:
+ Singapore Science and Engrg Fair Silver Medal
+ National Science Challenge Semi-finalist (TV Quiz show abt science involving high school students)
+ National C.B. Paul Memorial Science Quiz Indv Top 10
+ Chemistry Communications Challenge 2005 Team Second</p>
<p>Economics/Entrepreneurship Related:
+ National Economics and Fund Management Quiz Indv. Distinction Award
+ NUS Startup@Singapore Champions (biz plan and entrepreneuership competition) for both '05 and '06
+ School-based Best Business Idea Champions
+ Ex-Co member of Entrepreneurship and Economics Society</p>
<p>Conceptualized and ran the Virtual Business Challenge competition, a online business simulation competition involving more than 500 students from 11 schools in Sinagpore Ran other competitions in school</p>
+ MOE EAGLES Award for Both Achievement and Service
+ School-based Outstanding Student Award
+ Ran technical systems for the National Secondary/Primary Schools Sports Quiz
+ Stanford EPGY for Quantum Physics and Relativity
+ Internship for 1 week at Inst. High Performance Computing
+ Attachment for 2 weeks at Australian National University
+ Attachment for 3 weeks at IBM Singapore Human Resources Div.
+ School internal Projects Competition: 7 High Distinctions in 4 years</p>
<p>Now deciding between whether to apply for Stanford SCEA or Penn ED for the Fisher program...</p>