<p>I'm freaking out. I'm applying for a scholarship at an all girls boarding school in PA (Linden Hall) but my grades are bad. My EC's are amazing, my test scores are even better, but I'm in an incredibly hard magnet program and I get some B's. </p>
<p>last years grades:
Quarter 1: all A's
Quarter 2: 3 B's (this makes me cringe)
Quarter 3: 1 B
Quarter 4: all A's</p>
<p>this year:
Quarter 1: 1 B</p>
<p>So do I still have any chance if everything else is great? I'm applying for 9th grade.</p>
<p>BQ: okay so I have another dilemma... I am mixed (African American and Caucasian) but I look totally white. Literally, people don't believe me when I say I'm mixed. I don't think the Admissions people would believe it either, so what should I write on the application? I'm adopted too and both my parents now are white.</p>