<p>Can I get in?---Chinese 12th grade dude from Idaho (I don't grow potatoes)
Chem or chem engineering major</p>
<p>gpa = 4.0 uw
school doesn't rank
SAT1 = 1600 first attempt
SAT2 chem = 800, math2c = 800, writing = 800
AP's: chem=5, us history=5, calc ab=5
APs this year: bio, stat, gov, physics</p>
<p>EC's: Not stellar...
-president 'o chess club
-been on my team's "scholastic bowl" since 10th grade
-violin player/teacher: local orchestras, one student of my own </p>
<p>Awards: few and far between...
-national merit semifinals
-science award B&L from U. of Rochester
-won a few violin awards like to scholaship to a Wash. DC music camp, all-northwest & all-state (have you heard of that?), Wyoming violin competition...</p>
<p>Recommendations & essays: uncertain...</p>
<p>Oh yeah, I've also lived in Texas and Wyoming in 9th grade</p>