<p>Hi everyone! I am senior in high school and I applied RD to Stanford and Cornell. I applied to both for engineering and wondering if I stood a chance. So far, I have been admitted into UMichigan at Ann Arbor.</p>
<p>SAT: 2240 (780 Reading, 770 Math, 690 Writing)
SATII: Math 2(800), Physics(800), Chemistry(750), World History(710)</p>
<p>GPA: 3.74UW / 4.43W (Thankfully, Stanford is somewhat forgiving about middle school and freshman year)
Middle School: 2.5UW
Freshman: 3.64UW
Sophomore: 4.0UW
Junior: 3.93UW
Senior: 4.0UW so far</p>
<p>Rank: School does not officially rank. I am in the top 10% though.
AP: AP Government(5), AP Lang(5), AP World(5), AP Comp. Sci. A(5), AP Chemistry(5), AP Physics B(4)
Senior Year: AP Stat, AP Physics C, AP Lit., AP Calculus BC, AP Comp. Sci. B (Transcript still says AP)</p>
<p>ECs: (I had no ECs freshman year and only chess sophomore year)
Chess Team (10th, 11th, 12th, Captain senior year, I also won a national title in 2010)
Cross Country (11th, 12th, Captain senior year)
Indoor/Outdoor Track and Field (11th, 12th)</p>
<p>State: Maryland
School: Public school that rarely sends students to the top schools
Class size: 443
Ethnicity: East Asian
Gender: Male</p>
<p>So basically, I can see my ECs and grades are lacking in a good amount. I can't change my grades but I am heavily dedicated to the ones I already have. I had none freshman year because I was designing websites and various applications which I wrote about in my essays. I also finished first semester senior year with a 4.0, if that helps in any way.</p>
<p>Do I stand a chance at either school?