Chances at Stanford and Cornell?

<p>Hi everyone! I am senior in high school and I applied RD to Stanford and Cornell. I applied to both for engineering and wondering if I stood a chance. So far, I have been admitted into UMichigan at Ann Arbor.</p>

<p>SAT: 2240 (780 Reading, 770 Math, 690 Writing)
SATII: Math 2(800), Physics(800), Chemistry(750), World History(710)</p>

<p>GPA: 3.74UW / 4.43W (Thankfully, Stanford is somewhat forgiving about middle school and freshman year)
Middle School: 2.5UW
Freshman: 3.64UW
Sophomore: 4.0UW
Junior: 3.93UW
Senior: 4.0UW so far</p>

<p>Rank: School does not officially rank. I am in the top 10% though.
AP: AP Government(5), AP Lang(5), AP World(5), AP Comp. Sci. A(5), AP Chemistry(5), AP Physics B(4)
Senior Year: AP Stat, AP Physics C, AP Lit., AP Calculus BC, AP Comp. Sci. B (Transcript still says AP)</p>

<p>ECs: (I had no ECs freshman year and only chess sophomore year)
Chess Team (10th, 11th, 12th, Captain senior year, I also won a national title in 2010)
Cross Country (11th, 12th, Captain senior year)
Indoor/Outdoor Track and Field (11th, 12th)</p>

<p>State: Maryland
School: Public school that rarely sends students to the top schools
Class size: 443
Ethnicity: East Asian
Gender: Male</p>

<p>So basically, I can see my ECs and grades are lacking in a good amount. I can't change my grades but I am heavily dedicated to the ones I already have. I had none freshman year because I was designing websites and various applications which I wrote about in my essays. I also finished first semester senior year with a 4.0, if that helps in any way.</p>

<p>Do I stand a chance at either school?

<p>your middle school grades do no count. you may have very liiter chances at cornell. i doubt you’ll be accepted at standford because your ec’s are too thin.
good luck</p>

<p>I agree with bigboy. The Ivies hate students who are solely booksmart and you must show your passion in a particular field through extracurriculars, awards, leadership positions. SAT needs to be at least 2300 for Stanford standards, subject tests are good, anything that happened in middle school counts for absolutely nothing. If your high school rarely sends students to top universities, top 10% is not nearly good enough. You would have to be at least in the top 2-3% since your high school cannot compete with the best in the state and with private schools. As of right now, you do not stand out at all with your grades, and taking into account your east asian ethnicity. I would say you have no chance at Standford and a very thin chance at Cornell.</p>