Chances at Stern

<p>I'm a senior, already applied to Stern...just wondering what my chances are.</p>

<p>Perfect College Essay + Supplements (Critiqued from many peers and teachers)</p>

<p>Reccs- Amazing.</p>

<p>GPA- 88.88...(highest average in school=96.9), top 40% at a competitive h.s. in NY.</p>

<p>SAT- 600 CR, 750 M, 790 WR (2140)</p>

<p>SAT II- 800 Chem, 730 Math II.</p>

<p>AP- Chem 4</p>


<p>2 years Vice President of Chess Club
Founding Member of Model UN Club
1 Year of Tennis Team
2 Years Member of Go Club
2008 Blood Captain of Long Island Blood Services at my H.S.
50-60 Hours of Volunteer at a local hospital
Product Marketer at a company
4 Years of Math Team (Starting Member)

-Science Fair Award at Queens College
-Science Fair Award at York College
-Sciences Research Award Freshman Year
-PI Recital 2006 and 2007, 2nd Place. </p>

<p>In addition to my chances, what does my average translate to on a 4.0 GPA Scale, 3.6?</p>

<p>P.S.- My average this term will be raised to a 90 approx. because I'll have nearly a 100 avg. this term</p>

<p>a 88 is about a 3.3/3.4</p>

<p>Good luck to you man! Your SAT scores and GPA will put you at an big disadvantage though, even for a competitive HS since Stern is very stats-heavy.</p>

<p>uhh…2140’s low for stern?</p>

<p>The average SAT (M + CR, which Stern focuses on) for Stern is 1435 which is 100 points above what you have. (See: [NYU</a> Stern](<a href=“]NYU”> Your class rank and GPA could definitely pose a problem, especially since you only took 1 AP.</p>