Chance at Stern

<p>I'm a senior, already applied to Stern...just wondering what my chances are.</p>

<p>Perfect College Essay + Supplements (Critiqued from many peers and teachers)</p>

<p>Reccs- Amazing.</p>

<p>GPA- 88.88...(highest average in school=96.9), top 40% at a competitive h.s. in NY.</p>

<p>SAT- 600 CR, 750 M, 790 WR (2140)</p>

<p>SAT II- 800 Chem, 730 Math II.</p>

<p>AP- Chem 4</p>


<p>2 years Vice President of Chess Club
Founding Member of Model UN Club
1 Year of Tennis Team
2 Years Member of Go Club
2008 Blood Captain of Long Island Blood Services at my H.S.
50-60 Hours of Volunteer at a local hospital
Product Marketer at a company
4 Years of Math Team (Starting Member)

-Science Fair Award at Queens College
-Science Fair Award at York College
-Sciences Research Award Freshman Year
-PI Recital 2006 and 2007, 2nd Place.</p>

<p>In addition to my chances, what does my average translate to on a 4.0 GPA Scale, 3.6?</p>

<p>P.S.- My average this term will be raised to a 90 approx. because I'll have nearly a 100 avg. this term</p>

<p>I think you have a good chance at Stern if you do in fact, have amazing recommendations and your essays pull through. I wrote about visiting my Grandfather in Brooklyn who had emphysema and how he ran multiple grocery stores while he taught me the tricks of the trade. Well, most of your EC’s seem irrelevant, but I guess there isn’t much you can do now. Here are my stats, I applied Early Decision, and got my application in two and a half weeks before deadline( Nov. 1st I think) <a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;