Chances at Texas Tech

I’m a senior in Texas. I have a 2.9 GPA with a 1090 on SAT and 19 on my ACT. What are my chances of getting getting in, specifically into Business School? Would they be much better if I sent recommendation letters and wrote the optional essays?


Your chances are pretty low, and you will probably end up going to a community college. While your SAT appears to be above the 25th percentile, it is far below the 75th percentile. With a 2.9 GPA (very low), it doesn’t look good. Do you happen to play any sports or have any EC’s?

I have only a couple of EC but none are sports. Do you think i could get into a different major then transfer to business?

Also how much would writing both the optional essays and having 3 recommendation letters help?


Writing the optional essay and having LOR always helps, but isn’t it a bit late for that (if you are already a senior)?

I wrote one of the essays already and have 2 LOR. The deadline is later in the summer.