chances at these business schools

<p>MY STATS</p>

<p>SAT 1900, taking it again, aiming for 2200</p>

<p>MATH IIC 730 CHEM 640 (should i retake???)</p>

<p>GPA 4.0 unweighted UC-4.5 weighted</p>

<p>top 2% of class rank out of 760 students</p>

<p>AP's CHEM (4) ,CALC BC,STATS (rest are all Honors)</p>

<p>+200 hrs service in hospital</p>

<p>KEY CLUB 1 yr (+50hrs)</p>

<p>Chess Club 4yrs</p>

<p>CSF 1yr (+20 hrs)</p>

<p>i am a math tutorer since 9th grd (over 200 hrs)</p>

<p>temple service +20hrs</p>

<p>plz rate safties,match, and reach</p>

<p>Boston UNiv
Carnegie Mellon (i found out physics isnt required to apply for business school)
College of William and Mary (yeah i added this one)
UC Berkely
UC San Diego (counselor said its a good safety)
U Mich
U Virginia
Washington Univ in St. Louis
so a total of 10 schools</p>

<p>also here are couple more q's</p>

<p>wats the average # of school ppl apply to?
which other business schools do u think i have a shot at?
when should i start the college essays , now, or should i focus on SAT more?
which schools from my list give the most financial aid?
should i apply ED or EA anywhere???
y finally was it a good idea to drop UPENN of my least of schools?</p>

<p>all help is very much appreciated , plz take the time to respond if u view this thread. a couple answers to my q's will really hope</p>

<p>thks everybody</p>