Chances at transferring to a T20 program after sophomore year

I’m looking to transfer after the end of my sophomore year at Saint Louis University. Although I enjoy the friends I have made here, the school is just not academically rigorous and feel like I’m not amounting to anything by spending time here (I don’t want to bash on the university as I really do appreciate the time i have spent here and everything i just am not satisfied and thats not their fault).
High School Grades:
GPA (W): 3.574
GPA (UW): 3.019
Took 12 AP classes (six 4’s, four 3’s, one 2, and one that i did not take)
ACT: 32 (33 superscored)
EC: Model UN VP, Junior and Senior Class Officer, Varsity Crew (placed 10th in the nation senior year, 17th junior year), and worked around 10-15 hours per week as well.

GPA: 3.94/4
Relevant courses GPA: 4.0/4.0
EC: do financial research (no published papers yet) with a associate professor in the finance department.
Double major: Finance and Accounting with a concentration in financial analytics
Minor: Actuarial Mathematics
Currently interning at a Private Equity Firm as a rising soph if that helps at all. CEO/Pres said i was the most hard working intern currently, can prob get a good letter of rec from him.

In high school I took classes that I thought I would enjoy without really giving a thought about how it would impact admissions into college. As I entered college though, i started to take academics more seriously and focused more on my grades. I applied to a few schools to see if my grades were good enough after my first semester but didnt end up getting into any of them. I’m able to get athletic letters of recs from coaches at most schools with crew (got one at columbia this past year, but didnt get in) but these are just recs and not actually Likely letters. How are my chances at the following schools:

Columbia, (applied in college: rejected)
Georgetown, (applied in college and in high school: rejected)
WashU in STL (applied in college: rejected)
Colgate (applied in college: rejected)

If you guys recommend any other schools with need based financial aid that would be greatly appreciated. I was also raised in by a single mom, but i’m white, male, and middle class so that doesn’t really help. Also thank you for reading and taking time out of your day to help me. I really do appreciate the support.