<p>How is the Business School at Tulane? I'd also be intrested in communications and psych.</p>
<p>Also,My GPA is mainly low because of a poor freshman year, with A GPA of about 2.8. Since then I have gone straight up-3.1 now sophomore year, and hoping for about a 3.6 or 3.7 next yea, junior year.
Taking Honors English now, (sophomore year)
next year taking honors english again, honors business management, and trying to appeal into honors history or AP Gov.
Will def. take some AP's senior year.</p>
<p>I'm about a year and a half away from college apps, but my stats then should be something like this:</p>
<p>3.2 UW GPA,
AP Psych(senior year)
AP Gov(Senior/junior year)
Honors or AP Calc (senior year)
Honors American Lit (sophomore year)
Honors Modern Fiction (Junior Year)
Honors US History II (Junior Year)
Honors Management-business ed. (Junior year)</p>
<p>Sats should be about 2100 total.</p>
Big Brother Little Sister Program Junior-senior year (about 64 hours of time)
Summer Camp Counselor for 3 Years
Take part in private golf lessons
Volunteer at Local Library
Assistant Job at Local Real Estate agency
DECA Junior and Senior Years
HS Rec basketball freshman-senior year</p>
<p>Reccomendations should be good from Guidance Counselor, along with Favorite English and Favorite Math teacher.</p>
<p>Do I have a shot?</p>
<p>Yes, you have a shot, especially if you can pull off that 3.6+ next year. The upward trend is always a positive, especially if you can talk about why you started slowly. Doesn’t have to be a sob story (although if it is, it is), just an honest accounting of it and how you turned it around. If you can manage to really nail the SAT or ACT (2100 or 33+) that would help. I am not saying you wouldn’t get in without scores quite that high, but it would help. Certainly being at the lower end of the range for Tulane (1800 or 28/29) will make it tougher. But you say they should be about 2100, which I assume you are basing on the PSAT results. I know my D did significantly better on the SAT than on the PSAT, even though she did quite well on the PSAT, so hopefully you will do even better also. But 2100 is a good total for sure. Last word of advice is that you work on your essay well ahead of time, let teachers proof it for you. It is important that it is compelling and correct. Oh, another last word, LOL. Apply early acceptance. While it is not the same as early decision at other schools in that it is non-binding, I imagine it still conveys a higher degree of interest and therefore works in your favor. All schools like to accept qualified students that they feel more confident will accept an offer of admission.</p>
<p>Oh, and you asked about the business school. It is very good from everything I have heard, especially in Finance, but I am sure in other areas also. With credit to Benetode, here are some links to kudos for Tulane’s program:</p>
<p>Energy Trading Video from CNBC:
[Video</a> - CNBC.com](<a href=“http://www.cnbc.com/id/15840232?video=615836031&play=1]Video”>http://www.cnbc.com/id/15840232?video=615836031&play=1)</p>
<p>Tulane’s Finance Dept. ranked in Top 10 in World
[Financial</a> Times Names Tulane University Among World’s Top 10 Schools for Finance](<a href=“http://tulane.edu/news/releases/012808.cfm]Financial”>http://tulane.edu/news/releases/012808.cfm)</p>
<p>Tulane’s Equity Research Program
[Burkenroad</a> Reports](<a href=“http://www.freeman.tulane.edu/burkenroad/whatis.php]Burkenroad”>About Burkenroad Reports - Freeman School | Tulane)</p>
<p>Tulane’s Darwin Fenner Program
[Fenner</a> Program](<a href=“http://www.freeman.tulane.edu/fenner/]Fenner”>http://www.freeman.tulane.edu/fenner/)</p>
<p>And from what I can tell, it is just getting better over time.</p>
<p>The business school sounds awesome. I really hope ina year and a half I can get in here. As a big sports fan, heres a question; is it nearby to the dome where I would be able to see some Hornets/Saints games?</p>
<p>I guess it depends on how you define nearby. You couldn’t walk easily. It is probably about 10 miles, maybe more. But the streetcar would get you close, as would the Freret bus, but most students prefer the streetcar. So I guess the real answer is that downtown and related facilities are very accessable.</p>