Chances at UC's?

<p>I am a California resident and a first generation here. Single parent resident with no high school education, low income and first to college. Also Asian (Vietnamese) if it matters.</p>

<p>Schools (In order of selection): UCB, UCLA, UCSD, USC, UCD, UCI, UCSB & CAL Poly SLO</p>

<p>Grade 9:
Algebra 1 - C/C
French 1/2 - A/A
Health&Safety & Career Pathways - A/B
Phys. Ed - A/A
Biology 1/2 - A/B
English 1 (Honors) - A/B</p>

<p>Grade 10:
English 2 (Honors) - B/B
Chemistry - C/C
French 3/4 - B/A
Geometry - B/A
Phys. Ed - A/A
World History (Honors) - B/A</p>

<p>Grade 11:
AP Environmental Science (Ecology) - A/A
AP US History - A/A
Algebra 2 - A/A
AP Biology - A/A
AP English Literature & Compositions - A/A
French 5/6 - A/A</p>

<p>Expected Grade 12 Classes:
AP English Language
AP Government
AP Economy
AP Calculus
AP Physics B
Filler 6th period (ASB/Ceramics/Photo/Possibly Free)</p>

UC - 3.88 Weighted (Estimate)
High School - 4.00 Weighted (Estimate)
3.66 Unweighted (Estimate) </p>

<p>SAT II:
English - 800
History - 800
Biology - 760</p>

<p>SAT I: Oct. 2005/ ACT: Oct. 2005</p>

<p>EC's: Potential NHS Lifetime Member, 4 year member and president of Akasa Arai Hi-YMCA Club, President and Founder of the Movie Club (Also known as the International Film Enthusiasts--taken from advice here), Vice-President of the Multi-cultural Diversity Club, 500+ Hours of Community Service (All taken from the local hospital, soup kitchen, and homeless shelter) , Founder of Project 9 (A non-profit organization created by me and some of my friends to help donate computer parts to third-world countries.), Battle for Los Angeles Film Production (We have won numerous awards in the county), Winner of Service Above Self award from the Alhambra YMCA, #995 Robotics Team Captain, Prexy Council, Inter club Board, 2 years (and going) of Kendo.</p>

<p>Overview: My grades have drastically improved after an incident where I felt that average grades only lead to an average life. It is completely evident that my grades are vastly improved from the terror of receiving my first C marks in chemistry during my sophomore year. I also do plan on taking some summer courses at PCC(not exactly sure which ones yet) and taking trigonometry during the summer to be able to have Calculus AB my senior year. I would also say that my EC's generally move towards speaking out against poverty and creating films.</p>

<p>I'm not exactly sure where I stand. Everyone please answer honestly as I do not want to be awarded false hope. This is a repost but I have changed up some of my classes and posted another score. I also took some advice from flopsy and trimmed down my EC's a bit. Also added USC to a potential candidate school.</p>

<p>Kudos if you have made it this far! Advice is also greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.</p>

<p>You are in at all but UCB & UCLA. Those 2 can go either way, for the avg GPA at each is in the 4.1-4.2 range. Awesome job on the jr grades...shoot for high scores on the SAT I & you are probably in.</p>

<p>You already know what I think...</p>


<p>Thank you.</p>

<p>Improvement in grades is a definite plus. You have solid ECs, average grades and hopefully an SAT score of around 2100. I would definitely apply to UCLA.</p>

<p>SAt's will be a gigantic factor for you, what did you get on the practice tests? The GPA really screws you up. The ec's look decent. I think you should aim for UCSD.</p>

<p>I'm not an expert on UC admissions, but don't the adcoms weight SAT IIs more heavily than SATs? In that case, you're in excellent shape for every UC, assuming that you get a strong score on the SAT (which you probably will, considering your exceptional other scores) and attain your target GPA.</p>

<p>Hmm, SATII's weighted more heavily than SAT's? I've never heard that before. Can anyone verify/disprove what randomperson said?</p>

<p>I'm aiming for a 2000-2100 on my SAT's and at least a 30 on my ACT. I'd say my first choice would be UCLA then UCSD then UCD then UCI.</p>

<p>Keep in mind that, as I said, I'm "not an expert" on their admissions - however, it seems to be conventional wisdom both around cc and elsewhere that the SAT IIs are critical for UCs. This is, I surmise, a result of University President Atkinson's support of "achievement" tests as opposed to quasi-aptitude tests like the SAT.</p>

<p>UC's might require Math IIC...not sure on this.</p>

<p>So you would need to take that if it is.</p>

<p>i know for a fact that SAT II's are looked at more heavily than SAT I</p>

<p>i read it on the website of UC</p>

<p>Oh jeez. I hope I don't have to take Math IIC. I am completely terrible at mathematics.</p>

<p>You don't have to take Math IIC per se, but if you're good enough to and applying for the upper-tier UCs like UCLA/UCB, why wouldn't you take it?</p>

<p>if you want to enter into the engineering programs, you should take IIC</p>

<p>I don't plan on entering the engineering programs. As for the Math IIC, I guess my confidence in my mathematics is so low that I don't want to see anymore bad grades. Call me a wuss, but I'm kind of sick of it.</p>

<p>I am African-American (by the way I do not believe in AA) and live with both my parents in California. I do Track and Field and compete at a varsity level. These are my grades so far.</p>

English 9 (P)C+/B
Science 1 B/B
Spanish 1 (P) C/B
Pre-Algebra B/A
Health B/B (P)
Geography (P) A/A</p>

English 10 (P)B/B
Biology (P) C/A
Spanish 2 (P) B/B
World Histiory(P) B/B
Advanced Algebra(P) B/A
Art 1 (P)B/B</p>

English 11(P) B/B
Anatomy/Physiology(P) C/C
Advanced Topics in Medicine(P) A/B
Geometry(P) C/B
U.S History(P) ( should have taken AP) A/A
Spanish 3 (P)B/C</p>

<p>Proposed Senior Year
Biochemistry (P)
English 12 (P)
Algebra 2 (P)
Advanced Topics in Medical Research (P)
AP Government (P)</p>

<p>I am African-American (by the way I do not believe in AA) and live with both my parents in California. I do Track and Field and compete at a varsity level. These are my grades so far.</p>

English 9 (P)C+/B
Science 1 B/B
Spanish 1 (P) C/B
Pre-Algebra B/A
Health B/B (P)
Geography (P) A/A</p>

English 10 (P)B/B
Biology (P) C/A
Spanish 2 (P) B/B
World Histiory(P) B/B
Advanced Algebra(P) B/A
Art 1 (P)B/B</p>

English 11(P) B/B
Anatomy/Physiology(P) C/C
Advanced Topics in Medicine(P) A/B
Geometry(P) C/B
U.S History(P) ( should have taken AP) A/A
Spanish 3 (P)B/C</p>

<p>Proposed Senior Year
Biochemistry (P)
English 12 (P)
Algebra 2 (P)
Advanced Topics in Medical Research (P)
AP Government (P)</p>

<p>My GPA is a 3.2 Weighted, and 3.0 unweighted
I took the SATS already but have not received my score yet</p>

<p>why don't you believe in AA? it is not reverse discrimination</p>

<p>post this in another thread so more people can see it</p>

<p>your chances at the UC's are good except at UCB and LA</p>

<p>those are kinda reaches
UC technically doesn't do AA, but i know they do it under the table</p>