Chances at UGA, GT, FU, FSU, and Auburn University

<p>Sat: 2200
GPA: 3.93 uw/numeric average:
Sat II's: Chemistry: 700, Math IIc: 700, APUSH: 740
AP's: 6/ Honors: 2</p>

<p>Leo Club- President/ member/ officer (10-12)
FBLA- member/ officer/ president (10-12)
Class council- class rep, vice president, and treasurer (10-12)
Caption/ member of hockey/ tennis/ raquetball team (10-12)
Officer of NHS(11-12)
member of SNHS/officer(11-12)
member of SADD(9)
Internship at Foot Hill Capital (11-12)
Community Service hours-at various places: 500 hours by the end of 12th
Many other awards
Worked part time job through out high school</p>

<p>Can someone please post something?</p>

<p>Anyone, please???</p>

<p>Please reply, it would be helpful.</p>

<p>In my opinion, you'd get into FSU. FSU isn't all that competitive.
What's FU? You mean, UF?
Maybe you could get into Georgetown, if that's what GT stands for.
UGA....yeah, probably. Your SATs are amazingly high.</p>

<p>Yes, i meant Georgia Tech, University of Florida, and Auburn University.</p>

<p>So, you think I have a good chance in getting into all of them?</p>

<p>Yup, think so.</p>