<p>2020 sat 1( 670/700/650)
800 math 2 c
740 biology</p>
<p>Ap Classes (junior year only): Biology(5 on ap test), APUSH(3 ap test)
Honors Classes (soph and junior) Chem honors, Chinese 4 Honors, Precalculus Honors, American Lit Honors</p>
<p>Senior Classes and 1st semester expected grade
Government B or A
Physiology B or A
Calculus BC B
Literature B or A</p>
<p>Other stuff: Some clubs, 200 hours community service</p>
<p>So what do you guys think my chances at UC san deigo, UCLA, UC Irvine, and U Michigan ann arbor are?</p>
<p>For umich I'd say you have a pretty decent chance...about a match/very slightly less than a match I would say...your stats are right about in line w/ other out of staters applying to umich...but you sat is a little low though...good luck!</p>
<p>I don't know where you heard that rubbish - but the UCs do not make you enroll as undeclared. In fact, they discourage it because so many students who come in as undeclared end up taking five years to graduate instead of four.</p>