Chances at University of Miami

hi! i’m new to this website. I see asking for ratings on chances of getting admitted to a specific college is common on here so i’m gonna give it a shot.
what are my chances at being admitted into university of miami (regular decision)?

GPA: 4.0 or 99.8 weighted - 96 unweighted
ACT: 28
scored a 4 on AP Bio and APUSH
currently taking AP Calc, college level courses for anatomy and physiology and english, pyschology, physics honors, and theology and government
Honors classes taken:
Freshmen year: english honors, algebra honors, global honors
sophomore year: english honors, geometry honors, global honors, and chemistry honors
junior year: english honors, pre-calculus honors, AP bio, and APUSH

current extracurricular activities:
president of scurbs club (club for kids wanting to get into the medical field)
vice president of national honors society
secretary of new york state science honors society
treasurer of sign language club
member of spanish honors society

volunteer work:
72 hours in a hospice care center
4 year volunteer internship with iHOP (random, but worthwhile)

ethnicity: hispanic (puerto rican and ecuadorian)

thank you so much for your feedback!!!

you’ll get in