Chances at University of Texas-Austin

<p>SAT(old): 630M 750V </p>

<p>SAT(new):630M 690V 730W</p>

<p>PSAT:199(if that means anything)</p>

Not sure of unweighted, but I've been pretty much an A-B student until this year</p>

<p>Class rank: I'm not sure about my class rank yet, as I haven't gotten my final transcript. At the beginning of the first semester of my senior year I had a
3.99 GPA(I posted a 3.3 during the semester, hence the lower figure) and my </p>

<p>class rank was 116/628.</p>

<p>Asian American</p>

<p>Schooltype: Public</p>

<p>Quiz Bowl team for 4 years (two one hour practices a week for 4 years)</p>

<p>Member of National Honor Society(tons of volunteer work for the organization)
Vice President of Science Olympiad(Organizing fundraisers and leading meetings)</p>

<p>UIL science for 3 years(basically, we got a team of students together to take science tests. Our scores determined how high our team placed. This is a team you had to qualify for)</p>

<p>Member of JETS for 3 years</p>

<p>Volunteer at hospital for 70 hours after my freshman year</p>

<p>Worked at Cinemark movie theatre for 3 months before quitting for school</p>

<p>Made district science fair my sophomore year</p>

<p>AP Scores: World History-3
English composition-5

<p>These scores earned me an AP scholar with honor award from the College board.
I really messed up gradewise my senior year. Every year, I've taken a really tough schedule (pretty much straight advanced classes my freshman and sophomore year and all the AP classes I could get my senior and junior years). I made two Ds this year(one in AP physics and one in Ap Calculus) and one C(in AP English). I only made two As(Ap Stats and webmastering) and I got two Bs(AP Govt and AP European History). </p>

<p>My GPA before this was a 3.99 and my rank was 116/628. I'm not sure how to calculate my GPA. Do I just average my GPA with the GPA for my senior year? </p>

<p>How far do you think I've fallen rankwise because of my terrible semester and how much of this do you think the admissions officers will attribute to difficult schedule? I really want to go to UT to major in biology(I'm aiming for the school of natural sciences) but my fear is that the top 10% law will keep me out. I hope that I haven't fallen out of the first quartile since my SAT score gets me auto admission to Texas A&M. Any help is appreciated.</p>

<p>You have a good chance. Just remember for UT, they don't combine highest scores. They base their SATs on each testing.</p>

<p>Thanks, that really helps to alleviate some of the pressure on me</p>



<p>lol.....actually, you're well qualified for UT. I would try applying to some other universities as well, check where you get the most money. Tech and Rice love Asians.</p>

<p>I would hardly consider "he will do fine":</p>

<p>If your class rank WAS a top 18% before you 0.3 drop i would imagine top quartile (?). Now if you look at admission statistics.. what was it an outstanding 78 or 88 percent people got in through the top 10% rule. Now, thats not including the top 11% or 12% who also most likely get in.</p>

<p>You probably are competing with great students for those last spots...</p>

<p>I would say Match/Reach in the middle.</p>

<p>So far, the reviews have been positive, but the one slightly negative review has got me down. Anymore opinions?</p>

<p>I agree with darnitssam. Rank is super important, which is why I don't think I'd get into UT - top 15%, 2000+ SAT</p>

<p>I'm thinking the only chance I have is a really strong strength of schedule and an above average(for UT) SAT score. My senior grades destroyed my GPA, but I did take 6 AP classes and made an A or a B in 3 of them.</p>

<p>Im really interested in what people have to say about you. I have a very similar SAT score, and very similar rank. I have better ECs, but you have way more APs.</p>

<p>This thread can serve multiple purposes then. I just finished one of my essays, so if anyone would like to read and comment, I'll PM you.</p>