<p>I know my chances at the Ivies are slim, if not nonexistent. I was just looking for the input of others on my chances at these schools: UPenn, Princeton, Dartmouth, Tufts. Thanks.</p>
<p>GPA - Weighted: 4.61
Class Rank: 1
Class Size: 180</p>
<p>Classes: 4 AP, 1 Honors Senior year; 3 AP, 3 Honors Junior Year; 5 Honors both Freshman and Sophomore Year.. All A's except for B+ in English Sophomore year</p>
<p>SAT I Math: 770
SAT I Critical Reading: 700
SAT I Writing: 760
SAT II U.S. History: 760
SAT II Math Level 2 (IIC): 760
SAT II Chemistry: 680</p>
<p>Significant Extracurriculars: National Honors Society, Math Team, French Club
Athletic Status - list sport and your level: Soccer (Varsity), Swimming (Varsity)
Volunteer/Service Work: 57.5 hours
Honors and Awards: Harvard Book Award, RPI Medal, Superintendant's Award, Honors Mathematics award (two years), AP Chem award, Honors English award (two years), Honors Bio award</p>
<p>Your gpa and class rank (if reported) are definitely strong. ECs are alright but the CS is a little low.
UPENN - Reach
Dartmouth - Reach
Princeton - High Reach
Tufts - Match</p>
<p>Im interested in Princeton, can anyone give me some advice?</p>
<p>My school doesnt provide colleges with class rankings or GPA</p>
<p>My courseload this year:
AP Calculus BC A-
AP English B±
AP Biology B (very hard class and the teacher sucks)
French A-
Physics A-</p>
<p>4 on AP USH
208 on PSAT
740 on Math 2(retaking in June)</p>
<p>National and INternational Fencer
ranked as high as 26th at one point (looking to get recruited)
Head of school orchestra
head of cello section
played at Carnegie Hall in 2009 and 2011
Tutor at EHS
Head of club that raises money for summer opportunities for EHS students</p>
<p>CS means community service in case you didn’t know yet. i saw the ? above. And I think you’ll get in to all with Princeton being the only high reach</p>