<p>Hi! I applied to UPenn ED to the College</p>
<p>(I know they're low) </p>
Weighted: 4.55
Unweighted: 3.55
Come from #1 public high school in area </p>
<p>Student Council Homeroom Rep
South Asian Culture Club
Community Service (160+ hours)
Intern at small biotech company
honors choir singer all four years
Yearbook Staff
Speech & Debate Team
Rowing Coach</p>
<p>Minority-Pakistani (I heard they love diversity) </p>
<p>Had a good interview, strong reccs, and I did the PA gov school of health care over the summer and got a really good recc from the director of the program</p>
<p>and last but not least...I am a female rower
I have talked to the coach, he said he will "attach a recommendation to my application" and he tries to get in as many girls as he can. All contact has been positive with him, I am from the philly area so I have watched a practice with him...</p>
<p>What do you think? I would really appreciate your response</p>
<p>I think your chances of getting in are pretty low. I’m not saying you can’t get in, but your GPA and SAT score isn’t that great. I go to top #3 public schools in NW, which sends about 8% of its students, roughly about 25-30 kids to Ivy or their direct equivalents;MIT, Stanford… And getting a 3.9 unweighted GAP isn’t that hard. How many APs have you taken and their scores? And I think being a Pakistani doesn’t really help much, I got a friends who are Pakistani and saying being a Pakistani hurts your chances, because Indians-Pakistanis are so god damn smart.</p>
<p>Getting recruited for rowing will be your only chance of getting in to Penn; your numbers are far to low to be accepted otherwise.</p>
<p>yeah I agree thanks, the coach said I was “smart” though miraculously. But i have taken 6 APs
and I am not smart, I just work hard really hard for Okay grades…but the emails im getting from the coach are really positive for example they emailed “we look forward to hearing from you dec. 10th 3pm when admissions is availble.” I’m probably reading into it too much, but it sounds really great to me.</p>
<p>PS. My guidance couselor says otherwise, he thinks I have a really good chance and he generally does not sugar coat things…</p>
<p>I think you have a good shot! :)</p>
<p>They send out that email to all of the potential athletes. It doesn’t mean much at all. For example, I know a guy who was heavily recruited for a sport at Penn, applied ED, and was rejected. Especially considering your low stats and weak EC’s, I suspect you have little to no chance. Sorry to be harsh! It’s just so difficult to get in. Good luck, though!
<a href=“http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/what-my-chances/1033742-chances-various-universities-top-tier-others.html[/url]”>http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/what-my-chances/1033742-chances-various-universities-top-tier-others.html</a></p>
<p>I don’t think you should get your hopes up, not to be pessimistic.</p>
<p>I’m confused. We know a girl who has been recruited for the crew team and she already has been told she is accepted. I would ask the coach directly if you’re a recruit because in all honesty, Unfortunately, it doesn’t sound like you are and it sounds like this coach is not very honest.</p>