Chances at UT Austin

<p>PREFACE: My rank is awful. Catastrophic even. But what has happened has happened, and from last years senior class...only 8 of the 40+ that went to UT were from top 10%
In state female</p>

<p>Rank: 147/364
GPA (UW): 3.45 W: 3.8
SAT: 670/670/660 (2000)
US His - 3
World His - 3
Eng Lang - 3
(AP Scholar Award)
Senior Schedule:
AP Calc AB
AP Psych
AP Gov't
AP Econ
AP Euro History
Honors Dual Credit English
World Affairs Council
Academic World Quest
Academic Decathlon Captain
Young Democrat President
SADD Leader
Link Crew Leader (Freshman mentoring program)
Student Council
JV Track and Field
Animal Defense League Volunteer</p>

<p>On top of my ECs. I've worked.Starting a week after my 16th birthday I've been working. 25 hours a week Soph, 35+ Junior year.</p>

<p>I have some economic struggles, and wrote essay C about those</p>

<p>Chances? Eh?</p>

<p>And at BU, Smith, and Tulane maybe? My nerves are setting in.</p>

<p>anyoneee? I hate to do this. Bump. Eek. I’d just like something?</p>

<p>i dont know much about bu but from what i v heard. tulane and bu are not as competitive with your stats i think you have a great shot</p>