Chances - bad rank decent scores

<p>PREFACE: My rank is awful. Catastrophic even. But what has happened has happened, and from last years senior class...only 8 of the 40+ that went to UT were from top 10%
In state female</p>

<p>Rank: 147/364
GPA (UW): 3.45 W: 3.8
SAT: 670/670/660 (2000)
US His - 3
World His - 3
Eng Lang - 3
(AP Scholar Award)
Senior Schedule:
AP Calc AB
AP Psych
AP Gov't
AP Econ
AP Euro History
Honors Dual Credit English
World Affairs Council
Academic World Quest
Academic Decathlon Captain
Young Democrat President
SADD Leader
Link Crew Leader (Freshman mentoring program)
Student Council
JV Track and Field
Animal Defense League Volunteer</p>

<p>On top of my ECs. I've worked.Starting a week after my 16th birthday I've been working. 25 hours a week Soph, 35+ Junior year.</p>

<p>I have some economic struggles, and wrote essay C about those</p>

<p>Chances? Eh?</p>

<p>xposted on the chances section.</p>

<p>Oh, and I forgot editor of the Literary Mag </p>

<p>Oh and if it helps any, first choice natural sciences second social work (I’d like to go into psychiatry or social work…so if I get into ns, I will probably double major in the school of social work.) </p>

<p>And, of public schools…mine was ranked 194 in the nation for public schools…only 18 in state that are ranked higher…</p>

<p>Sorry, no chance with that rank. Even with very strong standardized test scores you wouldn’t be a sure thing. Basically the only thing that could have dug you out of this hole might have been a 34+ on your ACT. If your rank was a little higher, the circumstances your in might be taken into account, but I think your just too far off.</p>

<p>I’d say you have a 25% for summer. The bad rank really hurts you when all UT really look at is rank.</p>

<p>I’m in the same boat with you except with a higher class rank and a little lower SAT score. :/</p>

<p>I dunno, probably still no chance for summer either… A friend of mine had a 25%ish rank and a 1400 and still no summer. Rank is such a big thing.</p>

<p>Yeah, it’s pretty sad. We’ve lost 50 people from our class due to such rigorous ranking and moving and graduating early and such…and thus my percent keeps getting worse and worse as my grades get better and better. Pretty upsetting, really.</p>

<p>I think you have a chance at UT, since your school sends many not-top-10% students to UT. Remember, if UT is your top choice and you are not accepted you will get the CAP offer. Commit to CAP, spend one year at one of the other UTs, and as long as you take 30 credits and meet the 3.2 GPA requirement you can automatically come to UT the next fall as a sophomore.
<a href=“If%20you%20don’t%20choose%20UT,%20many%20colleges%20would%20be%20happy%20to%20have%20you%20with%20your%20grades%20from%20such%20a%20good%20school,%20your%20EC’s%20and%20your%20test%20scores.”>i</a>*
UT Arlington
UT Brownsville
UT El Paso
UT Pan Am
UT Permian Basin
UT San Antonio
UT Tyler</p>

<p>Meh, Foxshox, you were wrong. Which, I am happy about. I got admitted today. =] Reg, not summer. I don’t know if I’ll accept or not. But, I’m definitely excited to get in.</p>

<p>Or rather to have gotten in*</p>

<p>I’d have to say, cynic_olives, that your acceptance defies all the odd this year! Congratulations! Something in your application must have really reached the admissions person reading it, and they really pulled for you.</p>

<p>Wow, congrats cynic_Olives. Pretty ridiculous you got accepted considering others on here had higher class rank & scores.</p>

<p>Congrats cynic_olives. I think working that many hours per week is a pretty acceptable explanation of why your class rank is not higher, and that’s probably how admissions viewed it. That’s not easy.</p>

<p>Out of curiosity, which college did you apply to? That can make a difference as well.</p>

<p>I think it has to do with the school you applied to, honestly. I didn’t get into the college of natural sciences, which was my first choice, but did get into the second, college of social work. And no, that many hours killed my life. Lol. Also, if I do say so myself, my essays were bad ass.</p>

<p>The other schools I applied to included Southwestern, Boston U, Austin College, Smith College, and then Tulane. </p>

<p>But, it was definitely a pleasant…surprise…that’s for sure.</p>

<p>Well, now it’s time to enjoy the fruits of all that labor :)</p>

<p>Congratulations again (if you choose Austin - you’ll love it!!)</p>

<p>Cynic, I grew up just across the street from Austin College and my Dad went there. Good school, but Sherman would be a terrible place for the college experience.</p>

<p>I meant UT in Austin, sorry for the confusion</p>

<p>I know, lol, but I was talking about the post before yours. I just noticed it after I posted it. I think he’ll get it</p>

<p>Oh Woops! Sorry!</p>

<p>She’ll* =]</p>

<p>I really don’t want to go to Sherman, at all. I’ve been accepted (with a full tuition scholarship) but have no desire. </p>

<p>It’s now down to Southwestern and UT, basically. I haven’t heard back from BU nor Smith, but it’s so freaking cold up there.</p>

<p>Southwestern in Georgetown? I have a friend who goes there. Kinda small lol. Good school nontheless.</p>