Chances at UW-Madison?

  • Racial minority junior in an affluent neighborhood in a great school of Northern Illinois
  • Progressed to get into honors classes and AP classes. Junior year: all honors classes except for math, and AP French (highest level in my school) Senior year: AP Bio, AP AB Calc, AP Literature, and AP Psych (then gym/free period/etc)
  • Last semester's unweighted GPA was 3.2, weighted 4.0. I plan on bringing that up absolutely as much as I can this semester. So far this semester I have unweighted 3.4 and weighted 4.2
  • 31 ACT


  • Editor on my school’s nationally recognized newspaper (2 years)
  • Student leader in one of those “get-to-know-yourself” retreats sponsored by the school this year (was accepted to be one next year as well) (2 years)
  • Medical Club member
  • After School All Stars member (tutoring kids in less fortunate areas)
  • Tutor for kids in a writing program at my school
  • French Nat’l Honors Society + Nat’l Honors Society


  • Work at a juice bar
  • After School All Stars’ volunteering counts in my hours, however I plan on volunteering in a hospital soon
  • Played lacrosse fresh/soph year, not anymore.

What are my chances of getting into UW Madison? What should I improve? Please any advice is encouraged and welcome! Please please let me know!! Thanks!

I think you stand a good chance. Just try and get that unweighted GPA up a litttle bit and you should be all set!

Your GPA is kind of low, which is bad because GPA and class rank are both extremely important for UW-Madison. Also, they favor instate students fairly heavily. That being said, your EC’s are pretty goos and a 31 ACT is definitely good enough. I’d say it’s a match.

3.2 GPA is low. But, you have a good chance. Lots of people here will say that URM won’t help. It does.

I think your in, considering your class rigor and weighted GPA. 3.2 is a bit low, but you have taken challenging courses so that definitely makes up for it

Chance me back?

If you said the GPA is low and thats bad, can you still say I’m a match?

I’m at UW right now and I had a low high school GPA but I would still say that your chances are terrible you might get deferred but then you’ll probably get in

Why are my chances terrible?

Sorry I don’t know why I said that. I am tour guide at UW and I see a lot of applications. They look at GPA a lot and that is why I was deferred. Honestly you probably have 70 to 75% chance of getting in it just has to do with what they are looking for this year.

Do they look at weighted or unweighted? Bc I would think my weighted gpa is fine?

They look at both. Your gpa is a bit low, but I dont know the average for UW Madison. But your ACT is well above the average. I would say its a high match/Low reach for you.

Keep bringing up your GPA. If possible, you should take up lacrosse again… quitting your only sport sophomore year won’t look too good to colleges. Other than that, I’d say you’re a qualified applicant, and your ACT is good. Remember that no matter how qualified you are, UW Madison turns down thousands of great kids each year, so try not to get too set on any one school. Good luck!!

Chance back? :slight_smile: