Chances at Washington U St. Louis?

I applied to WASHU ED2…I have letters from three of my family members…

-Uncle: alumni, donated $30k over the years, and did alumni interviews, has a scholarship with our name on it at WashU

-cousin: alumni, does alumni interviews, was a tour guide

-cousins parents, did the parent alumni committee and interviewed students.

Will this help me at all?


33 ACT
3.97 GPA

10 Dual enrollment classes
2 APs

Research with PHDs
Founded my own club related to aspiring doctors
Ambulance core volunteer
Varsity tennis
President of science honors society
History HS
Math HS
founded business that made $7K


how WASHU supports women in medicine
how I overcame my anxiety relating to food allergies, and how i want to become an allergist to help others like me

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